
I tried that. It says it can’t connect to server.

make sure you are inputting on the phone the ip of tailscale on the server not the Local IP of the server.

Right. I used the address that tailscale says in the system tray.

Did you make sure tailscale is running on your phone in the background and active/connected.

It is running. When I installed it the vpn shows up at the top of my phone.

I have T-Mobile for my cell service as well as for my home internet, and this does not work for me.

My setup is a Synology DS918+ running DSM 7.0-41890. This is where the Channels DVR Beta Version

2021.10.03.1816 runs as well as Tailscale 1.12.4-2006.

My iPhone 12 Pro Max is running iOS 15.0.1 as well as Tailscale and Channels DVR Beta 2021 (10.6.1807).

What I can do (when the iPhone is disconnected from Wi-Fi but does have a good cellular connection) is to use Safari to bring up the Channels DVR web page and view anything through the web browser.

What I can NOT do (with the iPhone in the same states) is to use the Channels Beta app to make any kind of a connection to the Channels DVR server and view anything. I have selected "Connect", then "At Home", then entered the Tailscale IP address of the Synology server running the Channels DVR Beta software and then "Save", and all that ever happens is "Error Channels DVR Server was not found".

Now I know you entered your comments August 30th, and I just this month ran across Tailscale, so is it possible that it worked then, but it is now broken?

Frustrated with GCNAT!!!

Could you submit diagnostics from the app after entering your tailscale IP (of the DVR server) and getting an error.


The Tailscale VPN is working great for me thanks to this thread. I have T-mobile Home Internet with an ASUS router (IPv6 passthrough). I can connect remotely now with Channels DVR running on my home Windows PC. Thanks!

Channels server still says Remote Access could not connect, but I select Home (not away) on my remote clients that are connected via Tailscale VPN and it works.


About Tailscale on Synology and iPhone: Did the diagnostics help, or did it not come through?

In the diagnostics I saw only connection to and no attempts to connect to any Tailscale IPs. Maybe resubmit, and make sure you do it right after trying to add over tailscale IP?

Done again.

Dealing with this same issue.

Are you able to load in safari?

Yes. And I can watch using the browser. The problem is the Channels App not connecting while using Tailscale. And the LAN address of the DVR is The address was changed more than 6 months ago from to match the change of the sub-net.

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Tried with the updated Tailscale client for IOS 1.16.1. I had read on on twitter that it helped with some app compatibility but still getting the same results as before (Channels 4.5.12). I did find that if I connect to the channels server while connected to wifi, it continues to work once I turn the wifi off or leave home.

To meet Synology requirements, Tailscale no longer forwards ICMP packets. I'm not sure if Channels does any type of discovery when you first connect to a Channels server. But, if whatever it does involves ICMP traffic, that may be the reason.

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I''m not sure if you ever got Tailscale to work. You could also try this. I tested this myself. You can put the VPN on your router or the Synology.

I've been having similar issues. I have newly installed T-Mobile 5G Internet. I also installed Tailscale on three locations: 1. The Channels Server (MacMini), 2. My iPhone, and 3. My MacBook Pro

I've tested the Tailscale connection, and it does work for the following:

  1. On the MacBook Pro (using web browser) at a remote location, connected using the Tailscale IP
  2. On the iPhone on the cellular network or remote Wifi, using web interface (Chrome browser) connected using Tailscale IP
  3. On the iPhone on a remote wifi network, using the iPhone Channels Beta app, connected using Tailscale IP as a "Home" network.

It still does not work under this specific case:

  • Using the iPhone Beta app, on the T-Mobile cellular network, using Tailscale IP

Things I have checked/tried without success:
Both the Channels App and Tailscale have permission on my phone to access cellular data.
All other settings appear normal.

Any ideas on what might be stopping the app from connecting using Tailscale on the cellular network? Thanks

Another weird data point: If I start the iPhone app while on my own network using Tailscale, it continues to work after I leave home, sometimes for several minutes on the cellular network. But as soon as the connection drops for any reason, I can't get back in via the app on Tailscale.

Notably, the web interface always seems to work well with Tailscale, so this issue remains specifically confined to using the iPhone beta app with Tailscale on the T-Mobile cellular network.

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