Tablo for Channels


Got Tablo running thru Docker, unfortunately, I can not get a guide so I can record tv programs, I have enclosed screenshots of my setup, how can I fix this.

Try Guide Maintenance > Refresh

Thank You :smiley: that solve the issue

I have a new issue on Tablo I get reconnecting how do I fix that since I can not connect to any channel?

I get this on TVE for Tablo

Is the tablo docker running on the same imac as the DVR?

If not you should use the IP not localhost

Yes same iMac for the Docker and DVR.

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I remove the Docker for Tablo and replaced a new one now I can not get Tablo this is the message I get when putting it in Custom Channels.

invalid source url: context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout or context cancellation while reading body)

Got Tablo Back in Sources unfortunately, I getting on web Browser Reconnecting message and on The TV app I get this message Playback Failed (17), how do I fix it?

Check the docker logs to see if there is some error

Does the regular Tablo app let you watch?

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Thanks for replying the Tablo App works I don't see any log for Tablo in Docker only MLB

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After seeing that error on the TV, click Settings > Support > Submit Diagnostics on the app

I Summit Diagnostics on the app to Support just now.

Edit the M3U source and make sure Type is set to HLS (not MPEG-TS)

Thank You very much it works great! :grinning:

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Tablo hardware can now be integrated directly without docker.

Works like a charm! Thank you.


Thank You very much

This is a KEY diversification point, and a great future-proofing step. Well done (even though I'm 100% SiliconDust)

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