Test speed to dvr server slow

I'm running channels on my shield TV pro. My test speed to dvr server is ridiculously low to a point recordings are unwatchable. I get 200 down when I run a speed test. the test to dvr server in channels app I’m getting 9.75. Help would be appreciated.

Try another Network Cable... Is your Client on WFI ?

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Tried changing cables, rebooted my modem and router. No luck, channels crawl. All other apps fly. Can’t figure it out.

Is the shield running as your server or just a client?

Running on M1 Mac mini. Sometimes I get rapid speeds then randomly drops to almost nothing when testing channels server speeds. It’s definitely a channels issue because all other apps are very fast.

Is your Shield hardwired or wireless? You mentioned a cable, but then referenced your router and modem.

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Modem to router, router to shield. All hardwired

And the server? Is everything wired directly to the router? Or is there a switch involved? Is all the equipment GbE (not that that should make much difference)?

Routers often make terrible switches. You may find things improve if you use a cheap GbE unmanaged switch, placing it between the router and your devices.

I had a switch laying around. Looks like I’m now getting around 100 mbit//sec. That’s 10x more than what I was getting. Recordings are now watchable. I’ll keep my eye on it to see if there is any degradation in speed. Thanks for the tip!!

My channels “test speed to dvr server” is back to 14mbps. I have 3 devices( 2 shields, 1 ATV) running channels. All three are running with slow speeds. My modem/router speeds are well over 200mbps and other apps are flying. I surmise it’s my channels dvr server that’s slowing me down. I have a Samsung ssd plugged into my M1 Mac mini, all hardwired. Still no luck. Any ideas what may be causing this problem. Thanks

Your router doesn't have anything to do with it, as all the communication takes place locally.

Perhaps if you explained/detailed your complete network topology, maybe something more could be done.

How about if you do a speed test from Safari on other devices on your network, via http://x.x.x.x:8089/speedtest

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I opened up configure to channels server page and ran speedtest on, the results and attached screen test. Tried to run the same test from my iPhone and came up with safari cannot open this page. could not connect to the channels server.

That address basically means "this computer". So, a high value is expected, because the data never leaves the computer. That's also why that IP address won't work on other devices. You need to use your computer's actual IP address (probably something like 192.168.X.X).

Do you have any type of sleep mode enabled on Mac mini?

Ran speediest on my Network IP.
Also I am running sleep mode on my Mac mini

Sleep mode is causing this. Disable it restart Mac and test

You need to run the speedtest from a device other than the system running the DVR.

That's a bit more realistic. Especially if things are running through a 100Mbps router.