Thursday Night Football on Amazon Prime Video

Is there any way to DVR the live stream of Amazon Prime Video’s broadcasts of Thursday Night Football? I love the fact that football is trying new things, but I love the ability to skip through the heavy commercial load that accompanies the NFL even more…

Do they broadcast in 4K ?

Go to Prime Video and enable recording.


Being someone who has never used the record feature on prime. After I enable how would I go back and watch the recording or can I download it? Thanks


Hmm I went to the Prime app on my Apple TV and it says “recording enabled” already without my having done anything. This doesn’t match the “help” topic which says I’m supposed to press a “Record Thursday Night Football” button, which doesn’t exist.

Same question as others have: what’s the experience? Can you pick up midstream during the game and catch up? Can you freely skip all ads if you do? Where does the recorded game even appear?

I enabled before the first game last week. When I went to watch, it offered the live stream or the recording. FF and RW are available. No automatic commercial skip that I could find.

The 1st recorded game still shows in "My Stuff”.

Just make sure recording is enabled.


I thought this would be on regular TV or Cable but it is not.... possibly one of the best games of the year.

What to Expect for Amazon Prime Video’s Exclusive Thursday Night Football (


I set Prime to record the Chargers-Chiefs game. I'll then see if there's an option to grab it with PlayOn Cloud, or (as someone else suggested over on TCF) if a Stream Link is possible. Any other ideas?

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I have anytstream will see if I can download it. when done.

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Playon Cloud says it is downloading so should be ok... Will find out in the morning.

Did not record ... failed.


Edit: PlayOn shows a recording is in progress, but the total time is six hours so I will have to report on my results later today.

I haven't tried creating a Stream Link but I doubt that would work. When I copy the url and paste it into a new tab in my browser, it does not take me to the video. It takes me back to the video's page where I have to hit the Watch button again.

The one piece of good news so far is on that Amazon you can FF through commercials in the cloud recording, using a 10-second button or by dragging/clicking in the progress bar. It's hit-or-miss without indexing, but at least it's possible.

No, exclusively on Prime for at least the next 3 years, unless it is a local market game, which will also then be on an OTA station.

However, if you have TVE and don't mind waiting, NFL Network is replaying the game at 12:15 am ET (and then again 3 and 6 hours after that). Here is the advanced pass I set up to record each game. It worked perfectly last night:

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The Broadcast on Prime was pretty good you can FF commercials ... If you start watching into the broadcast.

I also did this, just recorded the 12:15a NFL network and watched it this morning. Maybe in the future we will have a way to add AmazonPrime like we can Hulu

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I didn’t love the experience. Video quality was better but skip ahead was 10 seconds so skipping a commercial meant 15 skips and instead of queuing up the button presses, you had to wait for the video to load as if it wasn’t adequately buffering. FF did not show the fast forwarding video, just the time.

This is on Apple TV with a gigabit Ethernet connection and a 1.4Gbps downstream connection.

For me PlayOn seemed to record for a full six hours, but then it restarted from zero. It's now into the second hour again, without having saved a recording to the cloud where Channels DVR can sync it down.

I can't find any way to cancel this. I am trying to sign the PlayOn app out of Amazon and will sign in again later to see if that helps. I may have to contact PlayOn support for help, before Amazon gets annoyed with me or something.

I have nothing on my Playon Cloud QUE. in my Playon Cloud Messages it says that the recording failed.


Edit: Amazon’s first Thursday Night Football game went off without a hitch - The Verge

And apologies in advance for the link to The Verge, the new look of that site is abhorred.

My PlayOn recording eventually failed, but it re-tried three or four times and the show was six hours long, so that took 18 to 24 hours!

Did anyone find a way to make a Stream Link? My previous post on that topic:

Anybody able to get the TNF Amazon Prime live-stream recorded with Channels yet? [Thanks for your attempts, Pokemon_Dad.] I don't have a Channels setup yet (my Tivos still work for the large majority of my live-TV viewing), but if Channels could handle this use case, I would be tempted to make the switch to it. If it can't handle it, hopefully the Channels developers will take a look at adding it as a feature (if it's even technically feasible).