Still doesn't work with my original/main youtube account on synology nas.
Works with newly created account from two weeks ago attached to family plan.
Still doesn't work with my original/main youtube account on synology nas.
Works with newly created account from two weeks ago attached to family plan.
I just upgraded and tried with no luck. I tried this on both a windows 10 PC running channels and my iphone. I too can log in to and stream fine with YTV but nothing on channels.
Thanks for testing. Please try again with v2021.10.16.1827 once it's available
I still couldn't login with main account.
Here is the Logs if it is helpful.
Tried with my two week old account added to the family plan and still works.
What is the download link to these newer builds you reference? Thanks!
I also noticed that I haven't seen this login page error on the other thread when I was looking. Maybe a clue. It shows a NBC Logo at the top of the screen.
IIRC, NBC is the first channel tried when adding a TVE source.
If you look at the DVR logs, it starts like this
[TVE] action=auth mvpd=Comcast_SSO requestor=nbcentertainment
I was thinking that too. However on my family account that lets me login(meaning adding Youtube to Channels DVR). ABC is first for me.
NBC doesn't seem to work. But I also can't login to my local WREX channel which is NBC. For some reason using Youtube TV and website will not let me login to my local channel. All the other channels I can.
2021/10/16 17:16:00.473019 [TVE] Channel scan starting for 207 channels on YouTubeTV
2021/10/16 17:16:03.389066 [TVE] Channel scan 1/207 ABC successful
2021/10/16 17:16:06.155072 [TVE] Channel scan 2/207 FOX successful
2021/10/16 17:16:07.813445 [TVE] Channel scan 3/207 CBS successful
2021/10/16 17:16:08.910780 [TVE] Channel scan 4/207 WPNE successful
It actually starts with this
Not sure what YTTV would show instead of mvpd=Comcast_SSO
You can easily test this by trying to add a new TVE source and picking a provider you don't use.
Use something like test
for username and password.
When it fails, look at the DVR log.
[TVE] Auth starting for Dish as test
[TVE] action=auth mvpd=Dish requestor=nbcentertainment
[TVE] Auth failed for Dish: Cable provider authentication failed
This fails due to nbc not giving me my local channel. But thats how this looks like for youtube.
But this was on one that workd adding Youtube as a source.
2021/10/16 17:02:21.940871 [TVE] action=auth mvpd=YouTubeTV requestor=nbcentertainment
2021/10/16 17:02:22.110848 [TVE] action=error_response type=Other error=net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME url=
I just tried to add YTTV again as a source with the very latest beta, and I still get this error, unfortunately.
I just tried again myself, using: 2021.10.17.0416 and still cannot authenticate to YTTV using known good Google credentials. What else can I do or try?
In the YTTV Provider topic, some users have said it works running in a docker container.
I just tried this morning using the latest build I could find of Channels and a new Google account. It would not authenticate with that account either, and it definitely does not have 2FA enabled either.
Please try with v2021.10.18.1626
THANKS! With that latest build, it appears to have done the trick! I appreciate such attention to this and resolution so quickly! It was able to scan for the YTTV "Channels" now, and I will test some recordings to make sure it works fully, but it looks promising now.
Yup works for me as well. Still odd why a new account worked when old one wouldn't. I would guess maybe something different between the two but anywho. YAY!!!!!!
Diagnostics submitted as 8573ce62-8e60-4b93-b182-6ccd3289ab2c.
Emboldened by recent progress reported here, I removed my YoutubeTV source and attempted to add it back in an attempt to gain NBC Local (WVLA) as TVE channel.
Unfortunately, now I get Auth failure and Context Cancelled error from DVR Settings after attempt to add YTTV as Source.
Same ID had worked for about 5 months since I first set up DVR.
Currently on server 2021.10.19.0058.
Restarting DVR server did not help.
Rebooting Asustor AS5304T NAS (ADM 4.0.0.RMD2) did not help.
2021/10/19 11:29:40.922789 [SYS] Starting Channels DVR v2021.10.19.0058 (linux-x86_64 pid:5148) in /usr/local/AppCentral/ChannelsDVR/channels-dvr/data
2021/10/19 11:29:40.955443 [SYS] Started HTTP Server
2021/10/19 11:29:41.757552 [HDR] Found 5 devices
2021/10/19 11:29:41.917549 [ERR] Failed to request m3u for PlutoTV: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021/10/19 11:29:43.177470 [DVR] Recording engine started in /volume1/MediaBank/Channels DVR
2021/10/19 11:29:43.178906 [SYS] Bonjour service running for dvr-byers-media-asustor.local. []
2021/10/19 11:29:43.191864 [DVR] Waiting 1h29m16.808160497s until next job 1634666340-ch6106 Paranormal Survivor
2021/10/19 11:29:43.591095 [SYS] Created database snapshot: backup-20211019.112943
2021/10/19 11:29:43.591320 [SYS] Removing old backup backup-20210926.190059
2021/10/19 11:29:53.218969 [IDX] Pruned 0 expired airings from USA-OTA70820 in 411.012µs.
2021/10/19 11:30:41.966134 [M3U] Refreshed lineup for PlutoTV with 332 channels
2021/10/19 11:32:25.140462 [TVE] Auth starting for YouTubeTV as
2021/10/19 11:32:25.140509 [TVE] action=auth mvpd=YouTubeTV requestor=nbcentertainment
2021/10/19 11:32:25.727351 [TVE] action=error_response type=Other error=net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME url=
2021/10/19 11:32:25.728643 [TVE] action=version product=Chrome/89.0.4389.114 jsVersion= protocol=1.3 revision=@1ea76e193b4fadb723bfea2a19a66c93a1bc0ca6
2021/10/19 11:32:25.729151 [TVE] action=mock
2021/10/19 11:32:25.736014 [TVE] action=navigate url=
2021/10/19 11:32:25.737081 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2021/10/19 11:32:25.934064 [TVE] Auth failed for YouTubeTV: context canceled
2021/10/19 11:35:20.699950 [TRS] DNS: OK: Resolved host via system DNS
2021/10/19 11:35:21.094680 [TRS] Cloud Reachable: OK: Connected to
2021/10/19 11:35:21.191528 [TRS] Local Time: OK: Local clock is accurate
2021/10/19 11:35:21.191629 [TRS] TV Everywhere: OK
2021/10/19 11:35:21.191669 [TRS] Remote Access: OK: Remote access not configured
2021/10/19 11:35:21.194532 [TRS] Disk Permissions: OK
2021/10/19 11:35:34.628093 New diagnostic log submitted under 8573ce62-8e60-4b93-b182-6ccd3289ab2c
2021/10/19 11:38:19.663118 [TVE] Auth starting for YouTubeTV as
2021/10/19 11:38:19.663177 [TVE] action=auth mvpd=YouTubeTV requestor=nbcentertainment
2021/10/19 11:38:19.754510 [TVE] action=error_response type=Other error=net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME url=
2021/10/19 11:38:19.756061 [TVE] action=version product=Chrome/89.0.4389.114 jsVersion= protocol=1.3 revision=@1ea76e193b4fadb723bfea2a19a66c93a1bc0ca6
2021/10/19 11:38:19.756679 [TVE] action=mock
2021/10/19 11:38:19.763805 [TVE] action=navigate url=
2021/10/19 11:38:19.764891 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2021/10/19 11:38:19.961550 [TVE] Auth failed for YouTubeTV: context canceled
After entering your YTTV login, click-and-hold the Sign In button for one second.