Weird one. Does it work on
Yes it does work. I followed some guide lines in other post before I mentioned this issue. I just checked MLB and NBA networks and they are now doing it.
And you tried shutting down the DVR via Synology's NAS apps interface and restarting it from there?
You're the man. That corrected the issue. NAS states that its version 1.0.4. Is that the latest install.
Here is the log after the build update for TLC
2019/12/18 16:00:31 [TVE] action=mock
2019/12/18 16:00:31 [TVE] action=set_cookies domains=1
2019/12/18 16:00:31 [TVE] action=navigate url=
2019/12/18 16:00:31 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:31 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:32 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:32 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2019/12/18 16:00:32 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=
2019/12/18 16:00:32 [TVE] action=auth_domain
2019/12/18 16:00:32 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:32 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:32 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:33 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:39 [TVE] action=page_ready
2019/12/18 16:00:39 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=page_ready
2019/12/18 16:00:39 [TVE] action=fill_form
2019/12/18 16:00:39 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin"
2019/12/18 16:00:39 [TVE] action=wait_for_auth
2019/12/18 16:00:42 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLoginPassword"
2019/12/18 16:00:43 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:43 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:43 [TVE] action=response path=/accounts/SetSID status=200
2019/12/18 16:00:43 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:43 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:43 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:45 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:45 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:45 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:45 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=
2019/12/18 16:00:45 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:46 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/18 16:00:47 [TVE] action=authed
2019/12/18 16:00:47 [TVE] action=cookies num_domains=2 num_cookies=5
[GIN] 2019/12/18 - 16:00:49 | 200 | 18.681452588s | | POST /providers/tve/mvpds/YouTubeTV/scan/tlc
FYI - The following TV Everywhere channels were removed from YouTube TV recently. So no access to these channels from Channels DVR.
Cartoon Network
Tennis Channel
Here is a list of all the current TVE channels for YouTube TV.
They never had access
I have Spectrum TV Streaming that picks those up on TVE.
Are you referring to Warner media, because Spectrum essentials doesn’t include those.
Great link! I wonder if all of those have a true “live stream” that Channels could utilize.
Just did a rescan. Went from 106 channels to 103. I noticed several “uncaught exceptions” in the log, so thought I would post those here in case that was unexpected.
` 2019/12/21 08:46:42 [TVE] action=mock
2019/12/21 08:46:42 [TVE] action=set_cookies domains=1
2019/12/21 08:46:42 [TVE] action=navigate url=
2019/12/21 08:46:42 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:46:43 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:46:43 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:46:44 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2019/12/21 08:46:44 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=
2019/12/21 08:46:44 [TVE] action=auth_domain
2019/12/21 08:46:44 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:46:44 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:46:44 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:46:49 [TVE] action=page_ready
2019/12/21 08:46:49 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=page_ready
2019/12/21 08:46:49 [TVE] action=fill_form
2019/12/21 08:46:49 [TVE] action=screenshot
2019/12/21 08:46:50 [TVE] action=screenshot size=21112
2019/12/21 08:46:50 [TVE] action=script_error err=&runtime.ExceptionDetails{ExceptionID:1, Text:"Uncaught", LineNumber:5, ColumnNumber:5, ScriptID:"15", URL:"", StackTrace:(*runtime.StackTrace)(0xc00370edc0), Exception:(*runtime.RemoteObject)(0xc003decb40), ExecutionContextID:0} exp=&runtime.RemoteObject{Type:"string", Subtype:"", ClassName:"", Value:easyjson.RawMessage{0x22, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x20, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x22}, UnserializableValue:"", Description:"", ObjectID:"", Preview:(*runtime.ObjectPreview)(nil), CustomPreview:(*runtime.CustomPreview)(nil)} exp_value="no login form found"
2019/12/21 08:46:50 [TVE] Channel scan 73/198 TLC failed: encountered exception 'Uncaught' (5:5)
2019/12/21 08:46:52 [TVE] action=mock
2019/12/21 08:46:52 [TVE] action=set_cookies domains=1
2019/12/21 08:46:52 [TVE] action=navigate url=
2019/12/21 08:46:52 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:46:52 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:46:52 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:46:53 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2019/12/21 08:46:53 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=
2019/12/21 08:46:53 [TVE] action=auth_domain
2019/12/21 08:46:53 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:46:53 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:46:53 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:46:58 [TVE] action=page_ready
2019/12/21 08:46:58 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=page_ready
2019/12/21 08:46:58 [TVE] action=fill_form
2019/12/21 08:46:58 [TVE] action=screenshot
2019/12/21 08:46:59 [TVE] action=screenshot size=21112
2019/12/21 08:46:59 [TVE] action=script_error err=&runtime.ExceptionDetails{ExceptionID:1, Text:"Uncaught", LineNumber:5, ColumnNumber:5, ScriptID:"15", URL:"", StackTrace:(*runtime.StackTrace)(0xc00179d940), Exception:(*runtime.RemoteObject)(0xc0043de1b0), ExecutionContextID:0} exp=&runtime.RemoteObject{Type:"string", Subtype:"", ClassName:"", Value:easyjson.RawMessage{0x22, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x20, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x22}, UnserializableValue:"", Description:"", ObjectID:"", Preview:(*runtime.ObjectPreview)(nil), CustomPreview:(*runtime.CustomPreview)(nil)} exp_value="no login form found"
2019/12/21 08:46:59 [TVE] Channel scan 74/198 TRAVEL failed: encountered exception 'Uncaught' (5:5)
2019/12/21 08:47:01 [TVE] action=mock
2019/12/21 08:47:01 [TVE] action=set_cookies domains=1
2019/12/21 08:47:01 [TVE] action=navigate url=
2019/12/21 08:47:01 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:47:01 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:47:02 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:47:02 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2019/12/21 08:47:02 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=
2019/12/21 08:47:02 [TVE] action=auth_domain
2019/12/21 08:47:02 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:47:02 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:47:03 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:47:08 [TVE] action=page_ready
2019/12/21 08:47:08 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=page_ready
2019/12/21 08:47:08 [TVE] action=fill_form
2019/12/21 08:47:08 [TVE] action=screenshot
2019/12/21 08:47:08 [TVE] action=screenshot size=21112
2019/12/21 08:47:08 [TVE] action=script_error err=&runtime.ExceptionDetails{ExceptionID:1, Text:"Uncaught", LineNumber:5, ColumnNumber:5, ScriptID:"15", URL:"", StackTrace:(*runtime.StackTrace)(0xc002bec240), Exception:(*runtime.RemoteObject)(0xc0041ff830), ExecutionContextID:0} exp=&runtime.RemoteObject{Type:"string", Subtype:"", ClassName:"", Value:easyjson.RawMessage{0x22, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x20, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x22}, UnserializableValue:"", Description:"", ObjectID:"", Preview:(*runtime.ObjectPreview)(nil), CustomPreview:(*runtime.CustomPreview)(nil)} exp_value="no login form found"
2019/12/21 08:47:08 [TVE] Channel scan 75/198 INVESTIGATION-DISCOVERY failed: encountered exception 'Uncaught' (5:5)
2019/12/21 08:47:15 [TVE] action=mock
2019/12/21 08:47:15 [TVE] action=set_cookies domains=1
2019/12/21 08:47:15 [TVE] action=navigate url=
2019/12/21 08:47:15 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:47:16 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:47:16 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:47:17 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2019/12/21 08:47:17 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=
2019/12/21 08:47:17 [TVE] action=auth_domain
2019/12/21 08:47:17 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:47:17 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:47:17 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:47:22 [TVE] action=page_ready
2019/12/21 08:47:22 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=page_ready
2019/12/21 08:47:22 [TVE] action=fill_form
2019/12/21 08:47:22 [TVE] action=screenshot
2019/12/21 08:47:22 [TVE] action=screenshot size=21112
2019/12/21 08:47:22 [TVE] action=script_error err=&runtime.ExceptionDetails{ExceptionID:1, Text:"Uncaught", LineNumber:5, ColumnNumber:5, ScriptID:"15", URL:"", StackTrace:(*runtime.StackTrace)(0xc00126c3c0), Exception:(*runtime.RemoteObject)(0xc00495a6c0), ExecutionContextID:0} exp=&runtime.RemoteObject{Type:"string", Subtype:"", ClassName:"", Value:easyjson.RawMessage{0x22, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x20, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x22}, UnserializableValue:"", Description:"", ObjectID:"", Preview:(*runtime.ObjectPreview)(nil), CustomPreview:(*runtime.CustomPreview)(nil)} exp_value="no login form found"
2019/12/21 08:47:23 [TVE] Channel scan 82/198 MOTORTREND failed: encountered exception 'Uncaught' (5:5)
2019/12/21 08:48:13 [TVE] action=mock
2019/12/21 08:48:13 [TVE] action=navigate url=
2019/12/21 08:48:13 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:48:14 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2019/12/21 08:48:14 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=
2019/12/21 08:48:14 [TVE] action=auth_domain
2019/12/21 08:48:14 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:48:14 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:48:14 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2019/12/21 08:48:20 [TVE] action=page_ready
2019/12/21 08:48:20 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=page_ready
2019/12/21 08:48:20 [TVE] action=fill_form
2019/12/21 08:48:20 [TVE] action=screenshot
2019/12/21 08:48:20 [TVE] action=screenshot size=21112
2019/12/21 08:48:20 [TVE] action=script_error err=&runtime.ExceptionDetails{ExceptionID:1, Text:"Uncaught", LineNumber:5, ColumnNumber:5, ScriptID:"15", URL:"", StackTrace:(*runtime.StackTrace)(0xc002fdf400), Exception:(*runtime.RemoteObject)(0xc0027d3b90), ExecutionContextID:0} exp=&runtime.RemoteObject{Type:"string", Subtype:"", ClassName:"", Value:easyjson.RawMessage{0x22, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x20, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x22}, UnserializableValue:"", Description:"", ObjectID:"", Preview:(*runtime.ObjectPreview)(nil), CustomPreview:(*runtime.CustomPreview)(nil)} exp_value="no login form found"
2019/12/21 08:48:20 [TVE] Channel scan 125/198 NBATV failed: encountered exception 'Uncaught' (5:5)`
This thread says that YT TV as source will not work if you use a Shield.
Is that only if the Shield is the sever?
My Shield is a client device, the DVR server is on a Intel NUC on Linux Mint.
Will TVE with YT TV work with my setup?
I do have 2FA enabled, but i read u can create a "Family account" to get logged in?
Yes it will work on a Linux server.
Can someone with YTTV check and see if Tennis Channel is available with TVE?
It’s not listed as a provider on the Tennis channel website
See this post a few above yours.
TallTxn provided a link to the YouTube TV Help site showing what TVE channels are available.
Doesn't mean all of those are available in Channels DVR. Some are not live streaming, others are on demand libraries only or extra subscription required services.
I asked specifically if a YTTV subscriber could check as while I am familiar with the link that shows the list of supported channels, I spoke with someone today who was certain he has used the app so I would appreciate hearing from an actual YTTV subscriber to confirm.
Sorry, I’m not good at magic. Maybe someone can sign into a site that doesn’t even have the provider listed.
I don't disagree with you, I'm just perplexed how someone told me it worked.
I am a YTTV subscriber and I don’t get it.