TVE Beta: Recordings causing problems with Windows Explorer

Okay, wonderful! This gives us a solid lead to figure out what's going on.

Just a guess, but Windows relies a lot on the file extensions and it could be using the wrong parser thinking an .mpg file is an MPEG2 Program Stream instead of what it really is, an MPEG2 Transport Stream.

Try changing the file extension from .mpg to .ts and see if Windows gives a valid length.

Also right click the file and look at Properties->Details.

I wonder if the "Windows Movie and TV" app has any logs? I tried searching for logs from Windows Explorer but didn't find anything. If we can get some sort of error message from Windows it will help clarify what it doesn't like about our files.

I don't think the .mpg file extension is causing the issue. All recordings from Channels DVR have .mpg file extension. OTA recordings never had this issue. Certain TVE recordings such as movies don't have this issue.

One thing I have noticed when looking at the properties is the frame rate is very high. The movie recordings that are good show a frame rate of 29.97.


With my very limited understanding, the discontinuity indicator is set if the current stream packet is in a discontinuity state. This could be the continuity counter or the clock reference. But I'm pretty sure that only applies to MPEG transport streams.

Best I can tell these are unhanded stream errors that are being passed in the re-encoding??

There is definitely something different about the files that are being produced my Channels DVR?
Possible container conformity issues?

Some info direct from the source on File Type and Property handlers in Windows.
i.e. what displays the Length of a video in Windows Explorer.

File Type Handlers

Property Handlers

Is more information required on this issue?

I'm running into this problem semi-regularly. My workaround is renaming the .MPG to say .BAK, which circumvents Windows Explorer from thinking it's a video filetype. If I run the offending .MPG is run through VideoRedo QS-Fix, for me it finds and corrected audio sync issues. If I rename the .TS (output from VideoRedo QS-Fix) back to .MPG and put it back in the recordings directory, life is good for another day or two.

On my system, files follow the discontinuity_detected > 0 pattern described above; for example:
2019/07/29 22:15:03 [MTS] Statistics for "TV\Legion\Legion S03E06 2019-07-29 Chapter 25 2019-07-29-2059.mpg": skipped=0 unhandled_packets=0 discontinuity_detected=8 transport_errors=0 invalid_pts=0 invalid_dts=0 saw_pcr=false saw_pmt=true highest_pts=4542.892978

VideoRedo QS-Fix output

Is there a detailed log file available from the videoredo session that shows which resync frames were removed and why?

Also, if you tell VRD not to detect/fix resync (Tools>Options>Stream parameters>Detect / resync missing frames), does the resulting file still hang Explorer?

I've sent a zipped VideoRedo log file from QS-Fixing a recorded file to

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When I change the VideoRedo Stream parameters->detect/resync missing frames option to ignore, the audio resync frames are removed as before. The resulting file does not cause an issue with Windows Explorer. The length column in Explorer comes up quickly vs the original recorded file which hangs Explorer for minutes while not displaying any value in the length column in Explorer.

We've reached out to VRD to see if they can shed more light on what's happening here.

We've also been poking around the Windows logs to get a more clear indication of what Windows doesn't like about our files, but so far no luck.

Saw your posts on their forum and the request for VRD logs.
Any progress?
Since I also use VRD (not sure if you do) and have access to ChannelsDVR TVE, I could also provide example logs if needed.

IIRC, one of the two Dan's over there could probably use ChannelsDVR TVE as I think he has COX which DRM's everything. Good to see you're collaborating with them.

I'm not sure if this is related or not, but this past year I used the utility "streamlink" to download several program streams from Watch ESPN. I assume the methods it uses are similar to the ones used for TV Everywhere recordings in Channels DVR. All of the programs I captured via this method exhibited the same symptoms you describe here. If you went to the folder and even clicked on one of them in Windows explorer it would cause explorer to permanently "hang", and require you to force close or restart it. Those files wouldn't load in VideoReDo in the traditional manner either. I ended up having to use TS Doctor to repair them, and then use those repaired files with TMPGEnc to get a workable file. If anyone happens to have TS Doctor, or can supply one of the "problem" recordings you're having trouble with via Dropbox, etc. I'll be happy to run it through TS Doctor to see if the log file it generates will help you out any with this issue too?

What does that mean?
Did it fail loading the file, or did you get errors when trying to QSF or Save As?

And is this the TS Doctor you mention?

Yes, that is the program. In my case opening the file in VRD would just hang forever and I’d eventually have to force close the program. Quick Stream fix also failed with errors.

Curious how did you QSF the file if VRD wouldn't open it. And do you remember which major version of VRD you used? 3,4,5?

OK, I just did my first TV Everywhere recording and had this occur. I recorded an episode of "Mama's Family" off Logo. When I try to open/view the file properties in Windows Explorer it hangs until I force close it. If I open the file in VideoReDo it loads, but when I try to watch/edit it I get a message saying the "Resolution has changed" from 1080 to 720 and it offers an opportunity to run the Quick Stream fix. When I try to do that it ends with an error and no output. I renamed the .MPG to .TS and open it in TS Doctor. It says "important PCR Missing" and asks if I want it to fix it. Even after the repair it still gives the resolution error in VRD, but Windows will let you click on it without an error and display a run time now.

Here is what my Channels DVR log said about this recording:

Statistics for "TV/Mama's Family/Mama's Family S04E25 1988-01-15 Mama Goes Hawaiian 2019-08-02-2151.mpg": skipped=0 unhandled_packets=0 discontinuity_detected=46 transport_errors=0 invalid_pts=0 invalid_dts=0 saw_pcr=false saw_pmt=true highest_pts=2376.845322

I think what is happening here is the same thing that happened with my ESPN streams from streamlink. The program provider (in this case Logo) is taking a program feed that might be 1080, and then inserting lower resolution commercials during the stream. This causes different resolutions in the same file and confuses the heck out of VRD and Windows explorer.

Here is the log from TS Doctor:

    Opening file H:\Mama's Family S04E25 1988-01-15 Mama Goes Hawaiian 2019-08-02-2151_PCRFixed.ts

OS: Windows 10 Build 16299 x64 
OS language    : EN
Appl. language : English
TSDoctor.exe V 2.2.20 (Build 0597BE)
Instance     : 1
System memory: 31.81 GB / Free: 24.32 GB
Used memory  : 178.23 MB
NVIDIA Quadro M1200 (DISPLAY4) nvldumd.dll
CPU type     : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HQ CPU @ 2.90GHz
CPU count    : 8
CPU usage    : 3% 
Resolution   : 1920 x 1080 (32Bit) 96 DPI
Monitors     : 1
Supported TS source filter found  : TS Doctor FileSource (on)
Supported splitter filter found   : Haali Media Splitter, LAV Splitter, LAV Light Splitter
Supported audio filter found      : LAV Audio Decoder, LAV Light Audio Decoder, Cypheros Audio Decoder
Supported Mpeg video filter found : LAV Video Decoder, LAV Light Video Decoder, Cypheros MPEG2 Video Decoder
Supported H.264 video filter found : LAV Video Decoder, LAV Light Video Decoder, Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder
Supported H.265 video filter found : Cypheros HEVC Decoder Filter, LAV Video Decoder, LAV Light Video Decoder
Supported video renderer found    : Video Renderer, Haali Video Renderer, Enhanced Video Renderer

Channel database : 8405 channels, 7 satellites [Thor 0.8°W, Astra 19.2°E, Astra 23.5°E, Astra 28.2°E, Astra 4.9°E, Hellas Sat 39°E, Hotbird 13°E]
Teletext database: 299 channels, version 19.7.10

File size: 959168668
Packets  : 5101961

Found 1 fill packets at end
Broadcast standard selected: ATSC
Broadcast standard detected: DVB

256   (0100): 0%   = PMT
258   (0102): 95%  = H264 Video (PES_StreamID E0 = Video_Stream_0) {00000001} [PTS,DTS]
4097  (1001): 1%   = PCR [PCR]
257   (0101): 4%   = AAC Audio (PES_StreamID C0 = Audio_Stream_0) {FFF15880} [PTS][PESLength]
259   (0103): 0%   =  (PES_StreamID BD = Private_Stream_1) {49443304} [PTS][PESLength]
0     (0000): 0%   = PAT

Selecting PMT with PID 256 (0100) at position 00000001
Deleting PMT entry: PID 259   (0103) type 21 = Metadata carried in PES packets using the Metadata Access Unit Wrapper

  stream_type              : 15 = ISO/IEC 13818-7 AAC with ADTS transport syntax (AAC ADTS)
  elementary_pid           : 257 (0101)
  ES_info_length           : 0

  stream_type              : 27 = AVC video stream as defined in ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 Video
  elementary_pid           : 258 (0102)
  ES_info_length           : 0

PCR entry in PMT invalid (No PCR infos found for PID 0101) !!!
Change PCR entry in PMT to PID 1001!

PCR PID is 4097 (1001)

searching for channel: SID=1, TID=1, VPID=258
First video PTS is 9009 00:00:00.100
Last video PTS  is 213913076 00:39:36.812

First PCR  is 2576969895900 26:30:43.329
Last PCR  is 64159812300 00:39:36.289
PCR wrap at 00:00:00.388 detected!
Duration of video stream is 213900980 00:39:36.678
Strange PCR Jump: 26:30:43.329 [26:30:43.718] -> 00:00:19.665 [00:00:20.053]
                  536  -> 51077
Strange PCR Jump: 00:24:15.344 [00:24:15.733] -> 00:25:10.086 [00:25:10.474]
                  3367390  -> 3418341
Strange PCR Jump: 00:25:10.086 [00:25:10.474] -> 00:26:08.198 [00:26:08.586]
                  3418341  -> 3469390
Strange PCR Jump: 00:33:54.860 [00:33:55.248] -> 00:34:48.777 [00:34:49.165]
                  4540789  -> 4591872
Video PCR to PTS difference -460 ms
257   (0101): Delay to video stream = -28ms

Remove PCR wrap
PID allocation
  :256   (0100)#..#..#.......#..........#.......#............#................#..#.#...##..............####.........
V :258   (0102)#####################################################################################################
  :4097  (1001)#################################################.##################################################.
A :257   (0101)####################################################################################################.
  :259   (0103)#..#..#.................#....####.............#.......##....###...###.#.#...............####.......#.
  :0     (0000)#..#..#.......#..........#.......#............#................#..#.#...##..............####.........

Backup H264 parameter sets.
Video format: H264 1920x1088p/AR=1:1/48000 fps/High@4.0
Colorimetry : Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
First I-Frame PTS at 00:00:00.100 [00:00:00.000]
First GOP = 32 frames : I0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 P0 

AAC 2 channels: 18 times
Audio stream 1: HE-AAC/LC 2.0 48000Hz ()
Commercial search options: AR,VA 
Commercial search skipped
APSC build skipped
OCR skipped: 0, -1, -1, 0, 0
SRT writer skipped

Cut  in at PCR: 00:00:00.000 (00:00:00.100)
Cut out at PCR: 00:39:36.678 (00:39:36.778)

Starting at packet 00000002 PTS: 00:00:00.028 (00:00:00.100)
No cutting at the end needed
PCR wrap between packet 000004F6 and packet 0000055D on PID 1001 detected, PCR: 00:00:00.384
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:00:46.677 [$0001CB17]
             from 1920x1088, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@4.0 / Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
             to   1280x720, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.1 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:01:16.751 [$0002CF2D]
             from 1280x720, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.1 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   640x368, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:01:46.848 [$00038173]
             from 640x368, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   1280x720, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.1 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:03:17.325 [$000678C0]
             from 1280x720, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.1 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   1920x1088, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@4.0 / Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:15:47.958 [$00235184]
             from 1920x1088, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@4.0 / Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
             to   640x368, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:16:18.054 [$002403CA]
             from 640x368, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   1280x720, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.1 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:16:48.134 [$00250AC8]
             from 1280x720, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.1 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   1280x720, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.1 / Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:17:03.196 [$00258D81]
             from 1280x720, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.1 / Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
             to   1280x720, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.1 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.470-2
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:17:18.257 [$002609DA]
             from 1280x720, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.1 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.470-2
             to   1280x720, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.1 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:18:33.648 [$00288109]
             from 1280x720, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.1 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   384x224, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:19:03.933 [$0028F3BE]
             from 384x224, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   1280x720, Progressiv / 30 fps / Main@3.1 / Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:19:06.910 [$00293104]
             from 1280x720, Progressiv / 30 fps / Main@3.1 / Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
             to   1920x1088, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@4.0 / Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:22:43.897 [$003185E4]
             from 1920x1088, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@4.0 / Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
             to   640x368, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:23:14.027 [$00323833]
             from 640x368, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   384x224, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:24:45.130 [$0033DAE4]
             from 384x224, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   512x288, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:25:00.405 [$0033F7F2]
             from 512x288, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   384x224, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:25:10.517 [$003428EE]
             from 384x224, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   768x432, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:25:25.705 [$00344E49]
             from 768x432, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   384x224, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:26:26.762 [$0035498D]
             from 384x224, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   512x288, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:26:42.027 [$003577EF]
             from 512x288, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   1280x720, Progressiv / 30 fps / Main@3.1 / Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:26:45.005 [$0035821D]
             from 1280x720, Progressiv / 30 fps / Main@3.1 / Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
             to   1920x1088, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@4.0 / Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:33:02.263 [$00440265]
             from 1920x1088, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@4.0 / Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
             to   1280x720, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.1 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:33:17.282 [$004483FD]
             from 1280x720, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.1 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   960x544, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.1 / Assumed BT.601 but unspecified
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:33:32.343 [$004502F6]
             from 960x544, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.1 / Assumed BT.601 but unspecified
             to   384x224, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:34:17.848 [$0045A01C]
             from 384x224, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   512x288, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:34:33.122 [$0045C05A]
             from 512x288, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   384x224, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:37:04.504 [$00487FA7]
             from 384x224, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   512x288, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:37:19.770 [$0048A225]
             from 512x288, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   384x224, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:37:35.044 [$0048EEC3]
             from 384x224, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@3.0 / ColourPrimaries=BT.709, TransferCharacteristics=BT.709, MatrixCoefficients=BT.709
             to   1280x720, Progressiv / 30 fps / Main@3.1 / Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
ES  WARNING: H264 video resolution info changed at 00:37:38.022 [$00494AB1]
             from 1280x720, Progressiv / 30 fps / Main@3.1 / Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
             to   1920x1088, Progressiv / 48000 fps / High@4.0 / Assumed BT.709 but unspecified
Ending at packet 004DD988 PTS: 00:39:36.649 (00:39:36.749)

---------  NAL Unit Type Statistics  ---------
Slices                 : 66914
    I-Slices           : 203
    P-Slices           : 39160
    B-Slices           : 27551
    SP-Slices          : 0
    SI-Slices          : 0
Data Partition A       : 0
Data Partition B       : 0
Data Partition A       : 0
IDR Picture            : 1529
SEI                    : 20687
Sequence Parameter Set : 1529
Picture Parameter Set  : 1529
AUD                    : 68443
End of Sequence        : 0
End of Stream          : 0
Filler                 : 0
Slices                 : 0
Seq. Param. Set Ext.   : 0

Cutted packets at the beginning: 0
Cutted packets at the end: 1
Discarded packets (not needed): 2779

PID stream sizes
$0101:      44,117 KB
$0102:     881,678 KB

PID stream average bitrates
$0101: 3.7 Kbps
$0102: 73.8 Kbps


Speed: 187.6 MBytes/sec
Duration: 00:00:04

The latest v5 of VRD handles resolution changes.
In fact they have v6 out now.
What version of VRD are you using?

I'm using VideoReDo Professional It says my version is up to date. I think VRD Pro runs behind the consumer version though.