TVE Lockouts

Like most folks, I'm kind of disappointed as I watch all of the channels that I used to enjoy through TVE slowly fade away. Well I could bring up my Philo app and swap back and forth looking for something to watch, I'm sure somebody has figured out a way to bypass the need to do that and have things show on the regular Channels program.

I did try the ADBtuner program without much success, as it gives me 500 internal server errors and will not bring up the web interface. Part of this may be the fall to my equipment because it is a just released NAS system and is still working its way through becoming civilized. As a result, Docker is not directly accessible to feed code to but rather done through a GUI. I've been successful getting Plex and Channels to run stably on it but I could not get the ADBTuner program to work apparently.

Are there any other programs or projects that might be worth looking at?

I assume this is some sort of WebUI provided through the NAS OS? And, if so, I'd suggest installing Portainer. Once done, I've compiled Docker Compose examples for every known Channels-related extension:

Through Portainer you could also install OliveTin-for-Channels with Project One-Click, and then all of those Docker projects would at their easiest to get up-and-running:

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I appreciate your fast response and your efforts.

I have Portainer installed, but have not done anything within it yet. Do I just create an environment and drop the coding where it is applicable?

Use the "Local" environment, and Portainer-Stacks to add your Docker Compose yamls and installation-specific environment variables.

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Got it running on the sample channels, thanks for the assist. Is there a channel list somewhere for the Paramount channels?

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When you say "it", which project are you talking about?

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Sorry, ADBTuner. Looked like the simolest to get up and running, then I can go back and experiment and learn,

I'd suggest searching the ADBTuner thread, then post there if you don't find an answer.

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Thanks again.