Unable to connect the Channels App via At Home

Just redid my server with a new unifi setup at home. I had to port forward my server to 8089. It’s working great when I click “Away from Home” but when I want to enter the IP for “At home” it fails.

Looks like you're running Channels DVR in a Docker Container and using Docker Bridge network mode instead of Host network mode?

If you don't use Host network mode, you have to authenticate, even when connecting locally At Home and clients won't be able to connect to the DVR Server At Home.

If that's true, you need to change the Channels DVR container to use Host network mode.

Best practice is to port forward Manual, not Automatic(UPNP :-1:) to your DVR Server and make sure your DVR Server has a DHCP Reserved IP address from your router.

If your DVR server is really at, then entering that in the client Setting Connect At Home should work when you're at Home and not Remote. Assuming you're using Host network mode.

If in doubt, ask the Network Administrator that configured your Router :wink:
And see the Blog and Notices

Thank you, I was going nuts figuring it out. I used ChatGPT to make sure my docker compose file is pointed to ensure its in host mode. I guess AI does have its benefits.