Hmm..., not sure on that one. It looks correct to me.
I don't think you're understanding my clarification. This is the original question:
I don’t think I was clear enough. I was referring to the actual video file not the meta data. So after processing, the meta data appears correct as well as the thumbnail, however the actual video file name remains the same.
Oh, gotcha. Yes, I mis-read what you meant and @Fofer called me on it. Good catch!
Anyway, yes, as he mentioned, the original file name doesn't change.
Cool, I just wanted to be sure everything was working correctly. I can’t thank you all enough for your help. It truly is a great community!
Another way to see all of the VIDEO_GROUP_IDs at once is through the API & Feed Explorer (Support-->API & Feeds) and look at the JSON of the Video groups. The URL formed by selecting video groups option is: http://channels_ip:8089/api/v1/video_groups
Thanks for the tip! I had always opened them one at a time, but that is good to know.
After using this script for the last 24 hours, I’ve noticed that it replaces “?” And “:” in the title with “_”. Is this a limitation in how the script deals with these characters?
Also, I’m currently using Keyboard Maestro to run the script every minute in order to avoid the title not getting updated fast enough. Are you using a different method?
Thanks again for your help
Every 2 hours has been working fine for the pace of my subscriptions. There are lots of ways to make this happen, like cron or LaunchAgents. The automation can also be set to run whenever content in a specific file path changes, which may work better for you in this context. And if you prefer a basic GUI for managing this, I can recommend Lingon.
Any idea how this script could be adapted to add the YouTube author to the Channels episode title field and the YouTube video title to the Channels summary field? This way, it would show the YouTube channel name above and a description of the video below. Since I keep all of my videos in the same folder, it would make it much cleaner and clear what I’m watching. I do it this way, so I can watch all of my videos in succession without having to play each individually.
You would have to break your videos into Video Groups by the channel to get the name in that field. That line always shows the name of the Video Group.
If I were to do it this way, would each video display in a separate folder or would they all show up together? When watching my videos, I don’t want to have to select each video in separate folders to play them. I hope that makes sense…
They’re in separate video groups, yes. We don’t consider things like this “folders”
You would have to select the video group to browse its videos.
We have plans for a playlist like feature that would incorporate rules like Library Collections. With that, you’d be able to pull the videos all together. There’s no timeline on that though.
this is a great feature. would be awesome to see something more integrated like playon is.
Is there any reason the script wouldn't work if the files are imported as a tv show instead of under videos as long as the long key still points to the show? (edit: its not working for me under videos either. so im doing something wrong)
Using httparty on fedora linux.
I'm trying to import this playlist (he has hundreds of others that are great, highly recommend for a scifi virtual channel)
I'm using tubesync on my synology nas to download using the format
edit: under video group i have tried adding the prefix "video-_____" too and its not the issue.
edit2: im guessing the flaw is the files are on the synology nas and even though the linux computer has access via smb something is being blocked. ideas?
I'm kind of a noob at this so forgive me if this is completely unhelp, but I think tubesync uses a "_" as a delimiter and it should be: {title}_{yyyy_mm_dd}_{key}.{ext}
. Hope this helps.
Has anyone found a clever way to trigger this script other than cron?
I hate to post this because I know it's because I'm doing something stupid, but I am trying to run this on ubuntu linux. I have made sure, pearl, htttparty, and json are installed with no issues. However, I keep getting the following error:
phillip@sperryhouse:~/servers/Scripts$ ./
./ line 1: require: command not found
./ line 2: require: command not found
./ line 4: server_url: command not found
./ line 5: video_group: command not found
./ line 7: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./ line 7: `source_files = HTTParty.get("#{server_url}/dvr/groups/#{video_group}/files")'
Somebody please tell me how I'm being stupid.
Told you it was something stupid.