Verizon TV login fail

Just setting up channels for the first time. I'm a current subscriber to Verizon Preferred TV HD. When I attempt to set up a DVR Channel using my Verizon Preferred TV HD credentials. I get an error "no login form found" as well as a "you must have Preferred HD or above" error. Screenshot attached.

Researching the boards, I saw the being able to access is important for some reasons. I attempted to connect to which failed two times but on the third attempt, I was successful. Accessing now works everytime.

Any help on where I should go from here on troubleshooting?


Sounds like auto auth because you have multiple FIOS accounts?

See Fios Login Issues

@tmm1 Thanks for the pointer to the thread which I read in detail. I don't have multiple FIOS accounts. I'm using my credentials and trying to test how well "getchannels" will work with my home setup.
I did have to provide the first name of my best friend when I logged into the account which I suppose is their MFA. Subsequent logins didn't require this so I'm assuming getchannels didn't run into the MFA.
Is there a connection log somewhere that I can look at to see the detailed communication (hopefully error code from verizon) where the handshake failed?


The main dvr log (under Support) has the chrome session information.

When it failed for you manually two times were you seeing the same error message?