WD MyCloud: Chrome Crashing

Thank you for the detailed steps. I plan to do this soon and currently making sure I have a current backup of everything first as a precaution.

The update should not effect your stored content. Its updating system files only. During my update all storage was retained and plays.

The install of the previous firmware version was successful and I again have the TV Everywhere channels. Thanks for the helpful in this forum.

We have a fix that we believe solves the issue on the latest firmware. To test it, update to the latest pre-release and then when it's updated go to Settings -> Advanced and enable "Experimental Updated Embedded Chrome"

After a minute, please try to rescan again and it should be fixed.


Dang wish I had read this first. Just installed old firmware. I will upgrade and try this fix.

First indications are that this fix is working! Thanks!

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Your Experimental Updated Embedded Chrome pre-version fix works with MyCloud firmware version 5.27.157.

Great work! Thank you.

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If you’re on an x86-64 based NAS, please try the latest pre-release. Go to Support -> Troubleshooting, and click "Click here to upgrade Chrome".

I've un-toggled the Experimental Embedded Chrome setting and I'm pleased to say MyCloud PR4100 firmware version 5.27.157 continues to work in Channels DVR TVE.

No error messages and extended cable channels play via HDHR-Prime and my cablecard survives another day.

I haven't updated my PR2100 to 5.27.157 yet. Everything else going well or should I wait a bit?

Try updating your PR2100 MyCloud firmware to version 5.27.157 to see. If it doesn't work out, manually roll it back to 5.26.300. However, I have chosen to keep MyCloud auto-update switched off for the time being.

I get “ fork/exec ./chromedp-shell: no such file or directory” every time I try to re add Hulu live TVE.

@brgator Please try the latest pre-release, update Chrome again in the Troubleshooting page and let us know if it resolves the issue.