Where can I see my TVE account credentials in Channels?

I'm looking for where I can see what Username or Email Address Channels is using to login with. Am I supposed to be seeing more than just a text box for me to enter my "new Xfinity password" when I use the Update Password function?

You would have to check Support > Logs for that

No. It's just a text box to enter your account password used with your account so Channels DVR can use it when logging in for you.

You can see this in the logs when there is a try to authenticate or a failure to authenticate. The password however will not show. If you are having trouble authenticating some channels with xfinity make sure you are running the latest pre release dvr software and make sure all are green in support > troubleshooting tab.

Don't use your email address username@comcast.net
Use just username

Also make sure you're running the latest pre-release version of Channels DVR Server TVE Troubleshooting tips

For the ones that are failing, it looks like Channels is using the email address instead of the username of my viewer only account. Is there a place in Channels where I can change that? Most of the channels have been working all along so I've been reluctant to do anything that would mess those up.

Same answer as 7 months ago TVE - "Blocked by Xfinity" - #10 by chDVRuser

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Wow - thanks for the reminder! I had forgotten about that one.

Don't know if the devs figured this out and fixed it, but I noticed this a couple months ago

So I logged into Xfinity as our dog (my viewer-only account), to check for what they have on record for the username. They store the profile name as a first and last name (separate fields) and then auto-assigns an email of @comcast.net, so it looks like the "username" is a concatenation of the first and last names into one string without spaces or other delimiters. My Channels Logs have always shown my personal email address in relation to the failed logins as thought it was trying to log in with that, so I'm very confused as to why most logins have been successful, but not recent ones (the last week or so) for the Turner Movie Classics.

Based on what you just showed, I may need to actually log in to Turner Movie Classics using the Chrome browser of the computer hosting my ChannelsDVR server.

What are you running your Channels DVR Server on?
Depends on what OS you're using to issue that curl command
Windows command line

curl -XPUT --data-binary "{\"user\":\"NEWUSERNAME\"}"

Linux (and maybe Mac terminal?)

curl -XPUT --data-binary '{"user":"NEWUSERNAME"}' 

Of course, use the IP and port of your Channels DVR Server instead of if you issue the curl command from another device and not your server.

I'm running the Channels DVR Server on Windows 10. Unfortunately, I didn't see your post because I went about making sure I could log into TCM using Chrome on the Server PC and then I removed Xfinity TVE and added it back in with the correct username that Xfinity adds the @comcast.net to. What I was afraid of happened - I lost about 40 channels that I had been able to watch in the rediscovery process. A lot of login errors but also others, including not being able to log in to TCM, the only one I wasn't getting before.

You need to update to prerelease

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When I selected Check for Prerelease, it said I was up to date, but my current version is 2024.05.07.1442.

OK, now it's downloading 2024.07.16.2314 update.

So that got TCM back and several others after re-trying each one manually, but I'm still getting a number "no such host" errors from stations I had recently been recording from like TLC and HGTV. I guess I'll just have to keep trying and hope they come back someday.

Sounds like a dns adblocker issue

Wouldn't that show in Support > Troubleshooting?

Yea. Just a guess based on "no such host". Can't say without actual details.

DNS errors for sure - It's been two years of trying to work around DNS torture. Reference the thread starting at Troubleshooting DNS issues

I've been limping through the best I can by simply hard restart-ing my modem and router simultaneously about once a week as half of the time the issues improve somewhat - at least for a few days.

I think I also changed the router back to using the Google DNS servers and that helped things at least 50 percent. Correction - it is set to the Cloudflare servers ( and