Xfinity No Login Form found

Updated Sever to lastest pre-release and updated Xfinity password but to no avail with Channelsdvr. Web browser works fine and Xfinity app as well.


Are you running DSM 6? We have found the newer Chrome we are using no longer works with DSM 6 (which is being End Of Life'd early next year). Upgrading to DSM 7 should resolve the issue.

I just started getting it, and Iā€™m on dsm7. Any other thoughts?

On occasion Xfinity will re-enable the 2FA. I have to sign in the website and disable it and things start working like they should?
. Also make sure your server side is updated too.

I get the same thing on my UBUNTU Server but not on my windows server....


Even when using the New TV Everywhere Embedded Chrome Launcher?

I used the embedded Chrome Launcher and everything scanned correctly. If I do not use the new launcher TVE fails.

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I don't see any diagnostics from anyone here right after they've scanned one of these channels that is having a problem. It's impossible to know if everyone is running into the same issue or different ones without that.