Xfinity TVE failing login - cookie pop up blocking credentials

My other Linux based server, is now giving "could not fetch playlist... 403 forbidden"

EDIT: So that 403 error is only happening for channel 6037 TruTV.
All other Xfinity channels i have enabled on that sever (7 others) are loading fine.

Still getting nothing with my main Win 11 server..

I just spun up a Win 10 VM, and installed CDVR and chrome. Same issues. Xfinity will not auth.

No such lag loading for me of any of Xfinity's pages, account, billing, or even Xfinity Stream etc.

Just logged into them via Chrome on 2 other computers fine.

Perhaps, I should start a new thread? Since my issue of Xfinity not Authing does not seem to be related to this threads "cookie pop up" issue.

I started seeing the "could not unmarshal event" error sporadically on Monday but am now seeing it on pretty much every TVE channel I've tried. My Channels DVR Server is on Windows 10 Pro.

I don't know if my problems are related (I'm hosting CDVR on Win 10 Pro), but I haven't been able to get anything to work on Xfinity TVE for at least two days now. One of the errors said it couldn't start Chrome, but when I remoted into the CDVR Server's host PC Chrome opened up just fine, and I'm not seeing that error currently. The most prominent error in my log is "...could not unmarshal event: parse error: expected string near offset...".

Have you updated your server to the latest pre-release as that fixes the parse errors.

Well, it says I'm up-to-date at 2024.07.18.0352, but that seems too long ago to be the latest pre-release.

Thought you knew how to update to pre-release?

I regularly have DNS errors, so I kept trying with a cleared cache and got up to 2024.07.31.1909 just a minute ago. Now I'll see if I can connect to anything on TVE.

Edit: Okay, I'm playing TVE channels for the first time in a couple days - Thanks!

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I use XFINITY TVE and it was working fine until tonight when I noticed some shows did not record. I was getting the same parse error. I ended up upgrading my server to the pre-release build and magically my XFINITY channels started working again!

Channels team, please consider promoting the pre-release into production so that others don’t have to waste their time trying to troubleshoot this issue.


If you are using TVE which is still beta you should always try and keep updating to pre-release.