Xfinity TVE July 1 2024

Xfinity TVE was working flawlessly. Suddenly stopped today, and a rescan removed almost all of the channels. So I removed the source, and now when I try to add source via TVE Beta is returns "Wrong password" with a grayed out Xfinity login page. The passord is correct, and I have dual authentication turned off. Anyone else dealing with this?

Upgrade to the latest prerelease..

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Same experience. I was getting the attached error but upgrade to pre-release fixed it.

Hmm, still problems with certain channels. I can add Xfinity overall but a lot of channels that should work show as "Cable provider authentication failed". Confirmed, for example, that I can log into ESPN on my own using my Xfinity as TV Provider.

Relevant error message in the logs seems to be:

2024/07/01 22:39:46.685459 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=
2024/07/01 22:39:47.626402 [TVE] action=error_response type=Stylesheet error=net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB url= ip=

Thanks to all, this restored ability to watch Xfinity on channels app ( in my case via Apple TV)

Question: is it possible for developers to add an option for auto update of the server version?

There is auto update to the latest production release. Having this for beta versions would have to be voluntary as one is assuming some risk.

Agree but if you are using TVE which is Beta you have no choice but to update to some beta releases. That is why I have a CLI to check for pre-release and update automatically.

Production releases are so few that you really have no choice but to update to prerelease ... I cannot even remember when the last production Android release of channels was.

Hello Edwin, you replied:
"That is why I have a CLI to check for pre-release and update automatically"

What is a CLI, very interested in having this ability. Can you provide intructions?


I use Windows ... Mine is simply a batch .bat file CLI = (Command Line Interface)

title "Update Channels DVR"
CD /d "%~dp0"
curl.exe "" | findstr  /I /C:"busy\":false"
set notbusy=%ERRORLEVEL%
if %notbusy% EQU 0 curl -XPUT
if %notbusy% NEQ 0 timeout /T 300
if %notbusy% EQU 0 timeout /T 1500
goto loop
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Since this was an easy one, I went ahead and added an update to the latest pre-release as an Action in OliveTin-for-Channels: