Xteve configuration Help?

Is there anyone willing to help with getting Xteve up and running. I have my Channels DVR, Plex server and Xteve running in Docker on my Synology DS220+.
I can’t seem to get to the next step. I am not sure how to get to the web portal to configure Xteve.
I have already managed to add the M3U playlist and have confirmed in channels that it is working.
Any help???

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Try: http://<IP.ADDRESS>:34400/web/ Unless you have changed the external port number in the docker installation, then use that port number instead of 34400

Thanks. I managed to figure that part out. Now I am stuck at the configuration page for Xteve.
Not sure what the M3U playlist path is??

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What is your end goal??

I am trying to configure Xteve so I can see my channels M3u in plex

How do I find the correct address?

the ip of your Channels DVR server.

Doesn’t seem to be working.

Not enough information you need to post what you inserted into XTEVE ... you picked a bad time to experiment with this Super Bowl weekend.

I’ll get back to this project tomorrow with more info. Hopefully you all can help.