ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

Thank you! Wanted to double check that. Should have one here by sunday! Excited to give it a go!

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Wanted to update everyone on my LinkPi ENC5v2 for anyone getting one

Mine did arrive with no papers of any kind and no instructions.
Once hooked up the IP address should show on the front lcd screen
username/password admin/admin
As stated by @spammedeeper use for ADBTuner

I spoke with WayPonDEV and they suggested I use the lastest chrome browser for the webpage. I was already using that but once I reset the browser it fixed the overlapping menus and my inability to select classic/standard view.
They are also aware of the issue with changing Mix names to Chinese if you resave a default one in the Custom Layout Manager. They said they are working on fixing it.

I tracked down the VideoMix bug not working if you set the output mix to multiple HDMI's instead of a single HDMI.
I can recreate this by setting framerate to -1 on the encode page, having Mix set to output multiple HDMI's not just one, and then switching between Classic/Standard view. Not completely sure you have to even switch views but it makes it show up immediately on preview and hdmi output. The -1 seems to work for a single HDMI fine but it is outside of the recommended range of 1-60 on the wiki page i found.

Not sure if anyone had posted it before so here is the wiki...

At least on my browser they have a menu on the right side that covers up part of the chart showing all the specs for the different LinkPi's but if you change the zoom in chrome to 80% I can see the entire chart.


Reading a lot in these posts about various encoders. Looks like a lot of knowledge has been gained so
I'm not too worried about 4k and think I probably just want a single tuner to start out and test Sling on.
What's the current favorite?. (LinkPi?) Looking at ENC1-3, ENC1-V2, and this EXVIST [],

I have an Exvist and I have a ENC5-V2 arriving this weekend. I am going to do a comparison, but I will probably return the Exvist. It has some quirks to it that I am not a fan of and I get the occasional weird stutter.

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I have a set ot exvist encoders and it works great.
I've got two ONN 4k boxes connected. I always prefer video and content brought in through docker container but the Exvist with my ONN boxes at least makes the Philo and YTTV stream play without issue.
YTTV at least at my home seems to be better than Philo. Best of luck and keep us posted.

This is interesting. Im not currently using ADBTuner and for now have no port specified. Channels has been handling this custom channel flawlessly for several months now. Must be something with ADBTuner?

Im getting an M2 Mac mini soon to explore more.

I just created a link pi thread here:

Not an issue for everyone, but I think it's worth pointing out the onn boxes do not work with Ethernet when adb is enabled. Knowing this in advance would have saved me, at least, from buying two of them.

I'm using wireless here and the access point is right on top of my stuff here.
Point taken.

I have the LinkPi ENC1-V3, and was happy with the performance. I'll likely be returning mine, though, as I have moved on to the 4-input device here, 4-Way HDMI Video Encoder H.265/H.264 4K 30fps 1080P For IPTV Live Stream or NVR | eBay. This device seems to run a common firmware, and has been perfect for a couple months. They also accepted an offer under the asking price, which is nice.

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All the encoders are similar. Been happy with LinkPi, particularly the performance of the recently upgraded ENC1 V3 and ENC5 V2. The only issue with LinkPi is it is not an established brand like Uray Coder and Iā€™m unsure of warranty, but their support has been good and the models I have seem well built.

I've seen the same random stutter issue with the UrayCoder 1080p box and onn 4k as source. Not enough to keep me from using it but it does crop up on almost all sports events, and it's random because it comes and goes. Not constant and not enough to trash the recording but it's there.

I still see stutter occasionally on my old nVidia Shield client, YYTV as the ADB source, when I'm skipping ahead. It plays perfectly, then skip some commercials and it may start stuttering. Skip back 10 seconds and the stutter goes away. So, likely something going on with the Shield and the playback of these encoded streams. I haven't checked it on other clients, but need to do that. Would be funny if I was chasing "encoder" stuttering, when in reality it was the client playback creating the stutter???

I just noticed this yesterday with mine Onn 4k Google TV boxes. Does anyone have another low priced option with simultaneous adb and ethernet recommendations?

The FireStick 4K Max (now 2nd gen) and the Chromecast 4K with Google TV are the best options. You might be able to find an attractive price on the 1st gen FireStick 4K Max.

Doesn't the FireStick have issues with going to sleep?

I get that occasionally on the Shield as well when playing content off my Plex Server. Same fix.

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I have 4 of them connected to a URayCoder 4K using ah4c. When I want to watch something live, or record, they get woken up and when the recording is done or I tune away they get put back to sleep.

They're awake when needed and sleeping when not needed. Seems like what one would want, and they definitely work well for me that way.

You can disable sleep via ADB or wakeup via ADB. experience is that the latest Fire TV sticks also behave the same way in disabling ethernet when adb is enabled.

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Are you using DirecTV by chance? Using AH4C with the AT&T Osprey boxes works like a dream. The Osprey boxes are older, and not super fast, but they are cheap on eBay and have Ethernet. I have four of them in a quad tuner setup I have been running for months.

If any of you DirecTV Stream users are interested in exploring the use of Osprey boxes, I would be happy to share.

EDIT: Realize now I posted this in the ADBTuber thread. Will leave in place as reference, even though unlikely anyone using ADBT is on DTV.