ADBTuner: A "channel tuning" application for networked Google TV / Android TV devices

I’ve run this encoder for 2.5 days straight at 1080P/60 x 4 and it hasn’t hiccuped at all. I would definitely suggest it. They ended up taking an offer of $255 for each of them.

The encoder specs look great.
The only service i'm having issues with on my setup would be Philo.
When i open a YTTV stream things look good.
Philo likes to buffer once in a while. The video coming from Philo doesn't seem as clean as it could be.
nothing beats a stream pulled in with VLC Bridge or YTTV.


Great price for this device. Congrats!

Anyone looking to get into this project, this is a good place to start. Amazon Warehouse has a J-Tech ENCH4 "Like New" for $76.18. Used, sure, but no more risk than eBay and backed by Amazon returns.

NOTE: Link should take you to the Warehouse direct, but you may need to select the other buying options.

EDIT: Sold!

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how many channels can be ran at one time?

I believe it will depend on the amount of bandwidth you have available.
Also depends on the screen limits of your plan.
For Fubo TV you would be looking at 10 screens.
YTTV would be something like 3 screens unless you have the 4k package and you are on your own network.

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If you are using the latest version of the ADBtuner how do you switch over to the experimental tag without losing data or connected devices to the ADBtuner software?

You will want to stop the current adbTuner and delete the docker.
When you execute the start command, make sure to add :experimental to the end.
Your system will download the image and start the container.
I'm using it here. working great with Fubo.

Got this up and running yesterday - it's really remarkable how far this has come in a few months!

  1. Dear God, we need a single, wiki-style repository of stream links and channel numbers. Made my haed hurt searching yesterday.

  2. A request - can the HDHomeRun work from HDMI for Channels get slurped in here? It's the last missing piece, i suspect for a few.

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Thanks. I was missing the SD source from installed, probably because I was missing the client at original installation, but it showed up overnight.

FYI this is still working perfectly, tunes to all the channels, and I have been using it to record a bunch of holiday movies for my mother. tnx

Had a random thought today. The encoders I have have two ports that support 4K. I'm wondering if something can be done to tag the streaming end points as "4K capable" and if you navigate to a 4K channels it would choose one of the 4K capable ports.

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Do you have a finalized list of channels? I am still working through my list but if you have already done it can you export it and post it?

ADBTuner has been solid for a long time now (Thanks @turtletank!) but this past week I had two recordings that started fine and sometime into the recording it seems like the ADB device either reset or it was like someone pressed the home button because the remainder of the recording is of the GoogleTV homepage. Other recordings have been fine so it's not very reproducible. It did not dawn on me to check the logs until it was too late.

I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this behavior?


What service are you trying to record from?
I've been using Philo and honestly, I hate it.
The platform will buffer occasionally.
I use Fubo or Sling and it is really nice.
I'm about ready to give Philo the boot.
I haven't had enough experience with Sling to know what I'm doing.
YTTV is solid. no buffering and the channels work well on my internet connection.

how many streams can stream at one time?

I am recording off of YTTV. No sure if it was trying to record two streams at once but that is possible. Seems really intermittent.

I'm using the YTTV account just for Chnnels.
If i have people use the account and they are on my network, i will get 4k package.

26 posts were split to a new topic: ADBTuner without hardware encoder