ALPHA: Import TV local content into DVR

A simple way to do this ... if you do not see the home path of imported folder you do not run the scheduled prune. If you remove the entire path then you can run it manually to prune the imports.

That is how I had mine Scheduled before they allowed deletion of all content.

Just wondering if making TMDB matching is still on the cards? Looks like this would be really good if you can get it working as TMDB is turning up a bunch of matches for me that are missing from Gracenote, but it still spins forever when I select the match

Please open the JavaScript console in your browser and check for any errors shown there.

TMDB matching is working for me here.

When was TMDB matching enabled for TV Shows?
I can only select TMDB for movies.

It doesn’t match for shows. Only movies.

Thanks. I was getting confused because Movie imports are being discussed in this TV Show imports thread and I always looked at the following thread for Movies.

OK there are some errors in the JavaScript console that appear just after I click on the match from TMDB:

[Log] jsonpipe connecting (bundle.js, line 417)
[Log] jsonpipe connected (bundle.js, line 417)
[Log] event – {Type: "hello", Version: "2021.03.12.0421"} (bundle.js, line 417)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503 (Service Unavailable) (34171, line 0)
[Log] PUT – "/dvr/files/3743/matches/tmdb/34171" – "Service Unavailable" (bundle.js, line 417)
[Error] Unhandled Promise Rejection: SyntaxError: The string did not match the expected pattern.
dispatchException (bundle.js:379:418206)
(anonymous function) (bundle.js:379:414418)
p (bundle.js:417:214904)
s (bundle.js:417:216421)

Thanks. Please update to prerelease, try again then submit diagnostics.

Updated to latest pre-release just now, tried again. Submitted diagnostics and Java console this time shows:

[Log] jsonpipe connecting (bundle.js, line 417)
[Log] jsonpipe connected (bundle.js, line 417)
[Log] event – {Type: "hello", Version: "2021.03.12.1554"} (bundle.js, line 417)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503 (Service Unavailable) (34171, line 0)
[Log] PUT – "/dvr/files/3743/matches/tmdb/34171" – "Service Unavailable" (bundle.js, line 417)

2021/03/12 16:20:10.217039 [ERR] Failed to set TMDB match: not a movie

What exactly are you trying to match?

It's a DVD of a stand-up comedy show called "Marcus Brigstocke - Planet Corduroy". It brings up the right match (correct name and artwork) from the TMDB search

Thanks. Fixed in next prerelease

Great stuff - thanks

Updated to the pre-release and confirm it's fixed


I'm having issues with playing imported content. I frequently get lip sync issues, but it is not consistent. If I force quit the app and play again, the lip sync issues will be gone.

No idea how to troubleshoot that.. Had to switch back to Plex for now because family were grumbling.

Providing details about the container, codecs, bitrates, and things like that would help. Or even better, submit diagnostics from the app and email

I have submitted diagnostics for the one that I've noticed it on.


I may have noticed a possible cause.. I have the drives on my Unraid server set to spin down.

When they wake up I have a lip sync issue. I tried quitting Channels and then going back in and playing again and the lip sync is either not there or not as noticable.

Will keep an eye on it - in the meantime I have turned off the spin down on the drives.

Quitting Channels should have no effect on this. You could just try playing the video again instead. You could also try pausing for a second, or seeking a bit, to see if it gets sync back on track.


This was recorded on my first NAS using my TVE PBS source

and Imported on my second NAS. It automatched to this Spanish language title.

Wondering if you're using AI to determine it's about Mexican Caves, hence Spanish? :laughing:
I know I can correct it, but just pointing out it wasn't put in UNMATCHED, it just Imported it as the Spanish language title.

Here's the file.json for the imported recording if it helps.
I noticed Airing.SeriesID is 17127193-es (-es Spanish I assume)

    "ID": "3395",
    "JobID": "",
    "RuleID": "",
    "GroupID": "17127193",
    "Path": "Expedition With Steve Backshall/Expedition With Steve Backshall S01E10 Mexico  Flooded Caves 2021-04-29-0459.mpg",
    "Checksum": "",
    "CreatedAt": 1619701257,
    "Watched": false,
    "Deleted": false,
    "PlaybackTime": 0,
    "Duration": 3727.790733,
    "Commercials": null,
    "Delayed": false,
    "Corrupted": false,
    "Cancelled": false,
    "Completed": true,
    "Processed": true,
    "Favorited": false,
    "Locked": false,
    "Airing": {
        "Source": "tms",
        "Channel": "",
        "OriginalDate": "",
        "Time": 0,
        "Duration": 0,
        "Title": "Expediciones con Steve Backshall",
        "EpisodeTitle": "Cuevas subacuáticas",
        "Summary": "Steve leads a team into the largest unexplored cave network on Earth below the jungles of Mexico.",
        "Image": "",
        "Categories": ["Episode", "Series"],
        "Genres": ["Nature", "Travel", "Outdoors"],
        "Tags": ["HD", "Stereo"],
        "SeriesID": "17127193-es",
        "ProgramID": "EP032867470002",
        "TeamIDs": null,
        "SeasonNumber": 1,
        "EpisodeNumber": 10,
        "Directors": null,
        "Cast": ["Steve Backshall"],
        "Raw": {
            "startTime": "T00:00Z",
            "endTime": "",
            "duration": 0,
            "channels": null,
            "stationId": "",
            "qualifiers": null,
            "ratings": null,
            "program": {
                "tmsId": "EP032867470002",
                "rootId": "17168250",
                "seriesId": "17127193",
                "entityType": "Episode",
                "subType": "Series",
                "title": "Expediciones con Steve Backshall",
                "titleLang": "es",
                "episodeTitle": "Cuevas subacuáticas",
                "episodeNum": 10,
                "seasonNum": 1,
                "releaseYear": 0,
                "releaseDate": "",
                "origAirDate": "",
                "descriptionLang": "en",
                "shortDescription": "Steve leads a team into the largest unexplored cave network on Earth below the jungles of Mexico.",
                "longDescription": "Steve leads a team into the largest unexplored cave network on Earth below the jungles of Mexico, pushing further and deeper than anyone has gone before.",
                "topCast": ["Steve Backshall"],
                "genres": ["Nature", "Travel", "Outdoors"],
                "preferredImage": {
                    "uri": "",
                    "height": "540",
                    "width": "720",
                    "primary": "true",
                    "category": "Banner-L2",
                    "text": "yes",
                    "tier": "Series"
    "ChannelNumber": "",
    "DeviceID": "",
    "PlayedAt": 0,
    "UpdatedAt": 1619701394065,
    "DeletedAt": 0,
    "FavoritedAt": 0,
    "DeletedReason": "",
    "DeleteNow": false,
    "JobTime": 0,
    "JobDuration": 0,
    "HighestPTS": 0,
    "SignalStats": null,
    "CommercialsAligned": false,
    "CommercialsEdited": false,
    "CommercialsVerified": false,
    "CommercialDetectSource": "",
    "CloudComskip": {
        "Successful": false
    "ImportPath": "/volume1/arkives/comskip1513TV",
    "ImportQuery": "Expedition With Steve Backshall",
    "ImportGroup": "17127193",
    "ImportedAt": 1619701392250,
    "StreamLinks": null,
    "DeleteScheduledFor": 864000000