Android Metro Blue Theme

No changes from my side, just whatever the native client has in the latest version. I just applied a color scheme to it.

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Bump to latest beta 103.10.210

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Bump to latest beta 103.13.152

Bump to 103.24.107


Bump to 104.20.57


Bump to 105.31.1913

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I would like to clarify what this is. Not exactly sure.

Is this a mod bundled with a client version. IE replaces the client, I would not be able to upgrade beta?


is this a mod that applies over the existing client?

Bump to 502.22.233 with AI designed Metro Blue and Gray color scheme


I absolutely love that colour scheme. :+1:

It is so much cleaner looking, easier on the eye and clearer to see the highlighted areas than the OEM purple IMO.

I'm doing testing on the very latest beta at the moment so can't use this full time but as soon as possible I will.

I’m jealous! Would love this for the Apple TV.

Really glad to see this return, I prefer it over carbon for the bedroom Chromecast.

It is awesome, both are, actually.

Why do you suppose the CHDVR team are so stingy with what seems like a simple thing to add (compared to developing the program code)?

It's baffling.


No idea in all honestly, especially since myself and @AtoZ0to9 have pretty much given them the code to do it. But it has been said repeatedly that they have no plans to incorporate themes (like all other PVR platforms have).

But I guess playing with VR is more important to the team then the UI :stuck_out_tongue:


Cause it is their "Brand", their "Image". They chose the look and they intend to stick to it.

Is what one of the devs said long time ago...

You left out "ugly"

The purple can still look pretty.
Hopefully they try to modernise the app soon!
Look at the new Tubi TV app.


With OLED TVs becoming so popular, I would think that having a nice pure black mode Would absolutely make the app pop. Infuse app on my Apple TV has such a mode and even on my mini LED TV it looks spectacular

However, you also have to consider the fact that Channels still has its own quirks and things that are just frustratingly Remained the same for a very long time. Such as the pretty much useless search function That only checks show titles, as well as the inability to shift the guide by days Functions that even made mid 2000s Comcast digital cable boxes had availability to do

Is there any chance you could update your theme to the latest beta please?

502.22.233 had a subtitles bug which has since been fixed.

Thanks in advance.

Tubi switching to awful colors is not a reason for other apps to use awful colors, IMO.

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Bump to 503.20.1014

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