I don’t think above is an Apple beta issue. It’s happening to me and I don’t have any beta OSs installed.
Your channel is a Sinclair channel. One of my Sinclair channels is having the same issue. This is an ATSC 3.0 implementation issue, not a beta issue.
Sinclair has been testing out using MMT instead of ROUTE-DASH with at least 6 stations across the country recently. Also, they have been testing Dolby Atmos instead of normal Dolby Surround 5.1.
My station, WUTV, has a technical info panel that looks essentially identical to yours, and it behaves the same way. It only happens with one channel out of the 5 on the WNYO lighthouse, WUTV. Also, I’ve noticed that the ADTH Box is unable to play it and the Zinwell ZAT-600B is only able to play video.
From what I have been finding out, I believe this issue is due to MMT being used instead of ROUTE-DASH, and due to Dolby Atmos AC4 being used instead of standard mono, stereo, or surround 5.1.
Also, the SiliconDust HDHomeRun app is able to play both the audio and video perfectly fine on that channel. I believe Channels will have to update their app to support this.