BETA: Channels 3.0 for Android and Android TV

A cosmetic issue with the Recordings page: the duration/recorded date/channel logo line does not seem to wrap properly, and is often clipped on the right edge.

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After switching the video player to software I have gotten a playback error message twice. Just submitted diagnostics after it happened this time.

Same here. Great stuff.

I agree with this. I like the new option that comes up, but I think the UI experience could be improved. On the show selection screen if the show has already been watched the “Watch Now” button could be replaced with a “Resume” and “Start Over” button. Of course this doesn’t cover the case where somebody just hits the play button on their remote from a list screen. Perhaps the pop up choice could be kept for that situation, while the other method is used when going from the details page. I’m sure that could be very complicated, but thought I’d mention it.

When I "trash" the last remaining recording, in the Recordings Tab from the main navigation, the left of the page, the ep is gone, but the ep info on the right remains.

Did I see somewhere in the alpha or beta build that we can now point a library to a NAS location to incorporate our own movies into channels? If so, how do you do it? I have searched the forums (and the app) and cant find it, but I swear I saw it somewhere.

I’m using the new trash feature in the app and its great but I have a suggestion. When I click on a recording and click delete now it brings up a second prompt to delete. Since the user is already in Trash and has to select delete now I don’t think another prompt is necessary.

Thanks again for all the hard work, this build is really solid.

Where are you clicking a recording from and on what device? The buttons should all say Trash and not have a confirmation, but maybe I missed one still using the old Delete behavior

Sorry, I am on a Shield Android TV and using the newest beta build under Settings -> Trash.

Following up on this some more:

While the Up Next page will refresh after deletions, the same is not true from other pages in the Library. For instance, after deleting the last episode of a program, the program's tile is still present in the TV Shows page; if I select it after deleting its last episode, I am brought to a screen with no content other than the program management buttons, but with no program.

(I don't mind if the focus remains in place when refreshing in these other Library pages, as their ordering isn't dynamic like Up Next; however, I still think that these pages should refresh after deletions, just like the unwatched indicators change to reflect changes.)

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Just updated to the Beta on a 4K Fire Stick.

First thing - auto-discovery of the DVR didn't work - added IP manually, and everything worked fine...

Can the "Resume Playing" option be extended to include the current position, such as "Resume playing from 17:42". If a program is close enough to the beginning (or sufficiently at the end), I may choose to watch from the beginning. (Or, as often happens with PBS programs, there is enough at the tail end unwatched to signal the program as fully watched, even though it is.)

I'm having the same (parsing error) problem. I have been able to install the 3.0 Beta version on my 4K Fire Sticks with no problem, but on the one non-4K Fire Stick I have, I get the Parse Error - There was a problem parsing the package.

I have both, Enable ADB Debugging and Apps From Unknown Sources enabled. When I go to, only Version: 2.1.26 is on the list to send to a device.

Any other thoughts?

I have the same issue. I even did a reset, Did not help.

Maybe the version of Android is too old on those.

I'll check and let you know.

I can't determine version. Nothing in the About Fire TV

Fire OS 6 is based on Android 7, Fire OS is based on Android 9.

The version is listed in the settings.

I guess I'll set up my second Fire TV 4K I bought months ago. Its states Fire OS 5.2