BETA: Channels 3.0 for Android and Android TV

Please submit diagnostics from the app next time this happens

How do I submit diagnostics while it is frozen? I certainly can exit back to the menu and then submit diagnostics. If that will help.

Yes please submit diagnostics by leaving the player once frozen

I've noticed this on my Nvidia Shield too. Also with the the previous release of Channels as you say.

The Up Next page finally updates after viewing/deleting an episode (thank you Aman!), but there's still an issue with the focus.

After the page updates, the position of the program changes to its new location based upon the Up Next algorithm. However, the focus does not move with the program than was selected. One would expect the focus to remain on the same program, instead of maintaining its physical location.

Does it make more sense to have focus remain with the program tile, and move upon refresh? Or would it be better to keep the current behavior?

@speedingcheetah Thanks for the photos, that's very helpful. Is this on the TiVo? Can you upgrade to latest beta and then submit diagnostics next time this happens.

I get this randomly on the Shield TV. I just submitted diagnostics and am currently on 8.20.2145.

I've gotten this also more than a few times.

Please update to v8.21.1728 and submit diagnostics from there. I added more logging so I can see what's causing this issue.

FYI this bug is not caused by the new loader, and has actually existed for a long time: Annoying behavior from fire stick app on start

Just updated. I noticed after updating that when I go into more TV shows that it’s offset and I can’t select the top options to change the order.

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That is from the Nvidia shield.
My TiVo stream device is not being used right now The person that use it is out of town so I would not know if the issue is happening on that device or not.

It just happened again and I submitted diagnostics.

Fixed in v8.21.2039

Also added more logging in that build based on your most recent diagnostics

Awesome, thank you. Looks great now.

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In v8.22.105 you can now change Settings > General > Manage Navigation > Recordings: On to enable a tab with a list of recent recordings

Left the house with a broadcast channel playing and when I came back the video was froze. Just submitted diagnostic. When I back spaced from the frozen video it said "It looks like you're behind the timeline". It was not behind the timeline when I left.

Earlier on a channel with a marginal signal the time line display pops up for a brief moment presumably when there is a bit of corruption. Like if the up arrow were hit twice very quickly.

Also, a marginal signal seems to cause lip sync issues. Pausing the video for a few seconds seems to bring the lip sync back in sync.

Come to think of it, i think i had that happen, on a SD OTA channel, just like 1 mint before ended, it froze, like it ws buffering, then it jumped back to the buffer, and it would not play, but said, you behind in the time line, backed out then re loaded, forgot to submit diags.

Running great on my fire stick 4k but on my TCL android tv it is now just playing audio on hardware and hybrid decoding. I submitted a diagnostics after playing a few channels earlier.

Love the new interface, keep up the great work!

When selecting a TV Show or Movie to watch or resume watching, is it possible to have the resume option along side the Watch option on the main show screen?

Currently, if you are resuming a show, you select watch and then a pop up appears to select resume. Adding the resume option next to the watch button would let me know I want to resume watching up front.

Love the Recordings tab. Thank you. As I am older now and do not see so good I really appreciate seeing the recordings in a text list. Would even be nicer if there were a way to see all recordings this way.

Even the guide with some of the icons it is hard to make them out and I would like to see the station call letters displayed under the station number.

Thanks again.

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