BETA: Custom Channels via M3U Playlists

I’m using HTTP

Best to email support with a copy of the m3u and after submitting diagnostics

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Any reason why extreme editor doesn’t work?

A question again.

I run DVR on a Windows 10 machine. I installed decker for windows to do the Pluto implementation. When I try to run the docker command, I get a can't find manifest error. Is there something I need to do? Does it work on WIn 10? Can anyone help?


Is there a way to use this method to duplicate or mirror a channel in the guide? Example, I have imported news channels from Pluto and other sources. It would be cool to duplicate or mirror some news sources all the way at the bottom of the guide to say the 200's.

I think you need to switch docker into Linux Containers mode:

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Yes. See the examples by @crackers8199 and others.

You would create an M3U with custom numbers and use the stream url for the original channel

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Thanks. I'll look for the simple methods if I can find them. @crackers8199 method will be out of my wheelhouse. I'm still on the simple Pluto guide as I couldn't figure out the Docker for the Pr2100.

Thank you sir. That took care of it and interestingly enough, my connection lost errors also went away....

you can create your own M3U and just re-number the channels yourself if docker is out of your container just does all the work for you but you can certainly create the file yourself if you're more comfortable doing it that way.

example: here's the M3U portion my container spits out for remapping TV Land from 6021 to 304 (which is the directv number):

#EXTINF:0 channel-id=“6021” channel-number="304" tvg-chno=“304” tvg-id="304" tvc-guide-stationid="74134" tvg-name="TVLANDP" tvg-logo="" group-title="",TVLANDP is my channels server. 8090 is the port number secondary channels instance i've set up for the backend, if you're only running one instance this would be 8089 for you.

the URL format would be the same for every channel, just change the device to whatever device you're using and the channel number to whatever channel you're mapping.

change the channel-id parameter to match the DVR channel number that you just put into the URL.

change the channel-number, tvg-chno and tvg-id parameters to whatever channel number you want that station to use.

change the logo to match the correct logo for the station you're loading (i.e. the DVR station logo).

as you can see there's a lot to do, which is why i wrote the code to do it for me...but you can certainly do it on your own. it'll just take some time to map a large number of channels that way.


Wow. Thanks for taking the time to post this! Let me see if I can figure this out.

is there a way to stop the dvr from grouping channels together when the guide matches (i.e. allow a true mirror if we wanted to show both mirrors in the guide)?

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Mind sharing your playlist to get the icons working?

What needs to match between the m3u and the EPG for it to work?

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The channel-id in the M3U needs to match the id attribute of the channel element. Also, if you're using the tvg-id tag in your playlist, it should also match. (You can also use the tvc-guide-stationid tag in your playlist, and you won't need an XMLTV file at all.)

if you want to use the guide channels provides, tvc-guide-stationid needs to match the Station variable for a given channel from the DVR.

Could you provide an example? Would make it easier to wrap my brain around,

From your playlist:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="test1" tvg-id="test1" …,Test 1

From your XMLTV:

  <channel id="test1">
    <display-name>Test 1</display-name>

Got it. Thanks!

To confirm, "channel-id=" needs to match?