Is anyone willing to help get the Pluto TV setup on a WD PR2100 w/OS 5? I have Docker / installed, but don't know what to do from there. I'm kinda clueless on this NAS stuff.
Yes because if I need to have 1.6GB Mac App just to download like I don't know 100MB image just for download 2MB EPG and few KB of m3u then there is definitely something wrong by desing.
I extracted scripts from docker and run it natively on my server. However my VPS is located in germany and for some reason pluto API gives me now German lineup So if anyone intrested in german lineup for now check here
I probably abandon it altogether with Stirr, too much work then it's worth it.
and for the record I never used in my life tvheadend so not sure where you get info about 38 instances. as a matter of fact TVHeadend webpage seems to be no longer updated and build info displays "failing" so...
....So sarcasm doesn’t exist in Poland?
Do what you like.
Not exist with our current government and threats of PolExit
have installed docker desktop (win10) then it tells me I need to load a kernel Image so I download Ubuntu within Windows but still get same error.. Any chance for a detailed step by step walk though (I get it if not , just asking )
Hard to know without a screenshot of the exact error message.
Perhaps you need to do this: BETA: Custom Channels via M3U Playlists
You need to Install WSL 2 ...
Docker Desktop WSL 2 backend | Docker Documentation
Get it here ...
Install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on Windows 10 | Microsoft Docs
Another step-by-step guide...
I have docker running now no problem, your image runs and says both files are written, but I can not locate the files.
I am just about there.. everything is working, but I can not seem to figure out how to retrieve (read) the two files (m3u and epg)
The docker container runs a server on port 8080. Did you try this?
yes I did that, tried the ip for windows where I configure and also the IP of the shield that runs the actual server software
Are you sure docker is running ? It is the ip of the windows pc that docker is running on or if you are logged into that PC.
Did you run:
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name pluto-for-channels -p 8080:80 jonmaddox/pluto-for-channels
After you got Docker set up and the image installed?
Holy cow! Until this comes pre packaged I'm going to ignore these threads. I read everything twice. It might as well be engineering a warp drive!
That was the step I missed, thanks Works now
Appreciate the help
This was my first docker I setup ever it wasn't that hard maddox instructions are on the money .. I was able to install on NAS and PC.
Seriously. If I can do it I believe anyone can. The key for me was reading and then doing - I still don't understand it but it works flawlessly.
@maddox added instructions here: