Yay, works perfect! Now I have a fun day of labeling ahead of me!
Added in next build
Awesome. Already putting it to good use.
One idea that I think could help popularize the label feature, is if they could be exposed for browsing, alongside Favorites. These recordings are from my "Wonders Years" box set:
(The "25 recordings" are "Extras.")
Anyway, for TV series and big concert collections and even home videos, being able to label/tag/group files for easy browsing would be great. Think mini-collections, organized by theme or character. Are labels meant to be exclusive to the DVR? Or will they be exposed / browsable from client apps too, one day?
They’re just there for rules and stuff for now. But we’ll see how they develop. Your examples are helpful.
If you set those 25 episodes as Season 0, they’ll be filed as Extras.
But there’s sort of an issue with our internals that prevents setting Season as 0. We’ll get it sorted.
Cool, thanks, I think that utility will give the feature traction, as it makes it more practical. Personally speaking, if that metadata isn't exposed in the client UI I'm less incentivized to put in the time to label things in the first place.
Being able to apply labels from the client app itself would also be divine.
Regardless it'll be interesting to see how it all develops. Thanks for the consideration.
Yeah, I figured something changed with regards to this, because initially these were were Season 0, and were properly labelled as Extras, but sometime in the past couple of weeks, they got labeled as Recordings instead. Not a big deal on this end, I still know what they are...
This could be the Favorites fix I did. Previously, the logic didn’t need to include Favorites or these new categories.
Another pass needs to happen to support everything better I think.
Any chance of adding the ability in smart rules to be able to include / exclude shows in other Collections?
Use case: I want to use build a collection of all of the shows that my wife watches. And I want add some existing collections. I’m currently using Labels for this but that means I have to label each show.
Where is the proper place to create a label? I went to an individual episode of a TV show and tried to create it there, but it wouldn't let me. After poking around a lot, I figured out that I could create a label in Collections, which seemed a bit weird to me. After creating a label under Collections, I was able to use that label on an individual TV episode. Are you supposed to be able to create a label in an individual TV episode? If so that does not appear to be working.
Also, I am trying to add a label to a bunch of episodes on a TV show. If I multi-select a lot of episodes, choose the Actions drop down and then choose Edit Metadata, Labels is missing in the window that comes up. This means I cannot set a label on a bunch of episodes at once. Instead, I have to edit each episode individually which takes a lot more time.
This is actually an existing bug. Technically, anywhere you can add/remove labels, you can create them, except there. So you’re not going crazy.
Yes. This is a technical issue, so it’s not in there. Some work could be done to make this better.
I don’t have any solutions here, but I can at least confirm that what you see is correct, even if it’s not ideal.
Thanks for the replies @maddox. Currently working on the Start Trek original series to set up a virtual channel of just playing the enhanced episodes. There are several problems with this series that is making organizing and setting this up painful:
The "DVD" order is different than the air date. I based my names on the DVD order where Gracenotes based it on the air date. This caused all the episodes to get matched up wrong. I am currently going through and manually fixing them and manually matching them up correctly. Plex does have an option to select either air date or DVD order. I decided on DVD order which is why my file names are named the way they are.
I want to differentiate between the "enhanced" episodes and the original episodes. I have that specified in the file name, but unfortunately it appears the smart rules do not let you query anything in the file name. To resolve this, I decided to use labels and mark each of the enhanced episodes with the label of "enhanced". However, since I cannot I multi-select, I am having to go into each episode individually and set the enhanced label, which is a bit painful. I will get through it though.
Also, as part of this consider the option to "split" a show like this into two different and distinct entries. Currently Star Trek is showing as 160 episodes in my library. There are actually only 80 episodes (counting the original pilot episode of the Cage), with half of them being the original version of the episode and the other half being the enhanced version of the episode. Again, Plex has a way to do this splitting as long as the two shows are in distinct and different directories (which in my case they are).
These aren't really features I am requesting because I am working through the issues, but just more of an FYI for you guys. My main goal is to use the Virtual Channels feature. I will rarely use the Library feature within Channels DVR - I have Plex for that. I know your ultimate goal is to be a one stop media center, but it's not quite there yet. You have a fantastic product and the DVR/channels side of it blows away Plex, but in the meantime I will be sticking with Plex for actual library navigation.
Another few questions on labels:
- Could you add the ability to tag all content from a specific source folder with a label?
- It seems like I can't multi-select movies. If I want to add the same label to a bunch of movies, I have to do it one at a time.
- Not label related, but could you add the ability to create Collections and Virtual Channels based on a specific source folder as one of the rule criteria?
The specific case I am working is Looney Tunes, which are seen as Movies (shorts). I have 300+ Looney Tunes and I am trying to easily create a Looney Tunes Virtual Channel. I could do this using labels, but I am finding that there is no way to multi-select the 300+ instances of Looney Tunes and add the label. Instead, I have to manually edit all 300+ instances one by one to add the label, which is very tedious. Automatically tagging all content from a specific folder with a label could also help. If I could specify a specific source folder in the rules of either Collections or Virtual Channels, then this would also easily solve my problem.
Would it be possible to have the advanced pass rules automatically add a label to a recording?
Wanting to use this on my primetime recording passes so I can set up a collection that would be called primetime similar to the Dish Network setup.
This is something we've considered and will probably do, it just hasn't really been prioritized. So don't be surprised if it happens one day. Keep a look out, heh.
Looping back to this. Can you add the ability to multi-select/multi-edit movies? I am now adding my Tom and Jerry collection and having to edit these one by one to add a Label so I can create a custom Tom and Jerry channel is painful. Also, I know it's not related to Labels, but can you add a smart rule Criteria of "Source". I have all of my Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry shorts in their own separate source folders. If I could just set the criteria for the smart rule to grab all content from a particular source, then I wouldn't even have to label all these items. Thanks!