Beta: Metadata Editing

The checkbox just takes the art you're submitting, and writes it to those recordings. If you leave it unchecked, it leaves them alone.

So if you want to fix the art on them, pick a piece of art, use the checkbox to overwrite all the recordings' art. Then do it again for just the Show, without the box checked.

Ive discovered some flakiness with the editor, while working on some home videos. It has to do with editing an individual episode in a show and applying category tags.

When editing a show, if you name an episode before adding a category tag, and then enter the category, i.e sports. The episode name is blanked out. You can then enter the episode name again..

However, if anywhere in the process, you change the episode name, i have observed the old name not getting fully erased in the database, even though you think its gone.

I discovered this by accident when created a virtual channel, and i had some episodes coming up in the guide that didn’t have any artwork, and they had my old names. So somehow now there are some rogue database entries.

Im using the “apply poster to all episode” button and it works on all the episodes, except for the ones i thought i had renamed and have gone rogue, and they are not listed under the show

You need to regenerate the guide

This is great!!
Just the other day I was thinking that this would be a great addition.

Any plans for a related shows or movies section? Or the cast images?

Thank you.


“ So if you want to fix the art on them, pick a piece of art, use the checkbox to overwrite all the recordings' art. Then do it again for just the Show, without the box checked”

Yep i knew this and did it and it worked great.
The issue seemed related to a bunch of entrees in the editor that got out of sync in the guide. This was caused when i changed category tags on a show, and/or changed the title of an episode.

Something got way out of sync and it appeared i had episodes with the old titles in my virtual channel.

Since they never appeared in the editor once their names changed, the “apply to all …” didnt use the poster.

As @tmm1 suggested i regenerated the guide. That fixed all the entries in that virtual channel, so thanks.

I really want to thank the developers for this new feature. I know its still early in beta. I have not really used the virtual channels feature and had been holding that off until “home video” meta data editing support became available.

Today it was so cool to have a virtual channel “broadcasting” music videos in channels.

Then i had a video collections of superbowls, nfl films videos, etc. i had to reorganize them a bit in PLEX, but then it was very cool to import these, edit the metadata, and then create a virtual channel with these.

Thank you developers!! You are awesome!


New dvr pre-release out:

This has been added in the latest dvr beta.

This has also been added in the latest dvr pre-release. Though it's important to know, your recordings need to be labeled with these categories too.

The app uses the recording metadata to do certain things, like use certain nouns inside the app. For example, it uses these to determine if a group of recordings is news or sports. It checks the first recording to do this.

In the future, we'll key off of these new categories like Home Videos and Concerts to present them inside the app a little better.


I'm trying to track this down but can not reproduce it. If anyone could describe the exact steps to do so, it would help. I have recordings that have their Original Air Date set, and the correct date shows.

Maybe a screenshot of the metadata edit screen would help, or, if you have this problem, please submit diagnostics, and tell me the exact show and episode that is causing the issue and I can look at it's data.

Will do.

Nevermind, I see that this is only when showing in Up Next!

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It may be in few other places as well.

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Fixed for the next tvOS/iOS beta.

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The latest DVR pre-release added Internet Videos as a category for metadata editing.


These are great updates. I was manually importing my large folder of live concerts (and copy-pasting each title) but the latest pre-release handling the naming automatically from the filename makes it so much easier. So I started over, and am letting Channels DVR name everything for me. I have about 250 in my collection so this is a major time-saver.

One feature request that would also be nice to see, is multi-edit. I'd love to be able to select many concerts, and then use the "Actions" menu to edit metadata on all of them at once. Put them all into "season 16" (for Coachella 2016, for example) and also to tag them all as "Concerts" so I don't have to do that manually and individually. Or is there a faster way I'm not aware of?

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Cant wait to test this. AWESOMENESS

Hmm this is probably doable. I’ll poke at it. I’ve been thinking about this as well.

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This is available in the latest pre-release.

Note that, this does not exactly edit, because you can't really edit multiple items. It takes what you set, and applies it to all of the recordings you selected.



Another thing that was added today, that I don’t think I mentioned, is that newly imported recordings now inherit the show’s art if it cannot get its own.

For example, if you add a new music video after you’ve set the art for the group/show, it will use the art from thst group without you having to do anything. Previously it had no art.

If you’re scanning something in that has real metadata like a real show, it will use the art like usual.

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Tested out the new version of editor with file name placed by default.


Tested out and working great here. This is superb :+1:t3:

I notice that when I change a selection of concerts from "episodes" to "concerts" that I lose the "favorities" section that shows on the left hand side, too. With a large collection, the "favorites" tag is really useful, can we have it exposed for concerts and other categories too?