Can we put sources on hold?

I would like to put a source on hold without destroying it, similar to how passes are handled.

EDIT: To clarify this is about disabling recording by the DVR, not viewing by the clients.

EDIT 2: There is an older feature request Enable/Disable source toggle

I voted.
A couple others have requested it.

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This would come in handy for my mlb docker in the offseason. As it is now I have to remake the source every year.

I'm guessing you want to disable individual sources (without deleting/removing them) so their channels don't show in the guide and can't be recorded. Is that correct?

I know when I disable an M3U source, the guide data is still there, just doesn't get refreshed and eventually runs out. Unless I delete and recreate the guide database.

Those requests you linked to are for pausing all season passes, pausing all automated recording. This request is different, but also welcome, for putting sources on hold. It's also been requested before:

I have a long list of these. When I want to put any of such sources "on hold" I go in and click each and every channel listing to disable it. When the list is 250+ channels long this is very tedious. I'm also not sure if it's necessary but also don't want their guide data potentially interfering with my usual recording intentions. A simple toggle to disable an entire source, would be VERY much appreciated.

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Another use case....

I have not yet "cut the cord", and currently have OTA, Cable (via TVE), and Streaming sources feeding in to Channels. Works great. But I would like to experiment, and see what life would be like if I dropped Cable. So it would be great if I could just "turn off" the cable source for a while.

Similarly, there are times when my OTA feed is compromised, e.g., during recent heavy snowstorms when many channels were pixelating and many recordings were "interrupted". It would have been nice to easily "turn off" the OTA source so that any recordings would pick up shows which happened to be available from other sources such as Cable or Streaming.

Thanks, I didn't stumble into that. It seems to allow me to turn off/on sources for all clients. But is the DVR itself also a client? I just tried disabling cable. But the DVR schedule shows that it still plans to record from a cable channel.

That disables the sources on the clients, not the server.

Remove the Guide Providers

How do you do that with your TVE source?

I remove it ... or disable all channels. easier to just remove it.

This is exactly what we are trying to avoid here

Well that is all we have at the moment .. put in a feature request.

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A partial workaround is to hide the source from clients via Global Client Settings:

Server Side Only > Sources
Manage the sources available on your clients.

The DVR will still try to record though.

On the web interface adjust the priority of the source and move it all the way down. It won't disable it but it won't use it unless all the top ones fail first.

The latest pre-release has this now