This isn't really a network thing.
It's a thing about what Channels does when it initiates or reinitiates and decisions made about auto-discovered items.
What I don't know for a fact, but believe to be true from reading many posts here:
This isn't really a network thing.
It's a thing about what Channels does when it initiates or reinitiates and decisions made about auto-discovered items.
What I don't know for a fact, but believe to be true from reading many posts here:
I'm a network and server guy, not as much on developing. Know some shell and python stuff, but don't know json. What's the command to retrieve the settings json, please?
I know there are quote a few things to be retrieved (or set) by browser or CURL, but I don't have a list of them. Not sure that one's been offered.
Boom, as you predicted.
"device.manual.": "true"
If you need to restart Channels DVR via curl it's
curl -XPUT http://ip-of-dvr:8089/updater/force/restart
That worked with the reboot, beauty, thanks!
Is there a better way to restart Channels on Raspbian? Rather than a full reboot?
Nevermind previous post.... lol
Yeah, I googled and found one. It helped a lot. I'll get the Chrome one for the future.
If you use Firefox it has a built-in json viewer, including a pretty print function.
Is this still on the "to-do" list? I imagine most people would be fine with hiding by IP address, all that needs to be done then to to assign a static IP to the tuner to avoid it showing up again.
Came here to say I also have an HDHR I manually added via IP that I wish to delete from my Channels DVR install (docker on Unraid) but cannot find a way to remove it. I tried the curl command in this thread, and it does nothing.
A copy and paste won't work, you need to use your IP addresses and port.
If the tuner was manually added by IP address, it will show in the settings json as
"device.manual.hdhr-ip": "true"
What hdhr-ip address does http://dvr-ip:dvr-port/settings
display for "device.manual.hdhr-ip": "true"
To remove it
curl -XDELETE http://dvr-ip:dvr-port/devices?ip=hdhr-ip
Maybe we can get that Remove button added
Didn’t just copy and paste. Copied the command and replaced the IP of my Channels docker and the IP of the HDHR I want to remove. Command runs without error, but the HDHR source is still there. This is also after a restart of the container.
I’m running this command via the docker’s shell. Also tried using for the Channels IP and it acts the same way.
Don't think it works from inside the Channels DVR Docker container. Try from a command line on your server, or from another device on the network using the IP address of your Unraid box.
What is the result returned from the curl command?
And you need to Remove Provider from that source if you haven't already. It should be displaying
+ Pick Guide Provider
Thanks. I’ll give that a shot when I get home tonight.
I believe the response was something like “true”. Don’t recall 100%.
true at least means the DVR responded, not that it removed an existing setting entry.
I can run it on a DVR server that has no manual IP entry and using a random IP for an HDHR and it still returns true.
Alright, I've given this a shot.
I first verified the provider was removed this morning. I then executed the command (curl -XDELETE from my Windows PC command line and received "true". The HDHR was still; there, so I restarted the container and voila, it was gone! So, it seems odd that it was responding when running the command from the local console but not deleting the HDHR, but it worked with the same command from another client. Glad it worked out, and it definitely would be nice to have a menu option to do this. Thank you for your help!
I was curious, so I tried to re-add this HDHR that I removed using the curl command, and Channels just does nothing. Not a big deal, but I'm curious if this command is totally destructive in not letting you use that IP address again for future HDHRs, or if there's something you can do to be able to use it again.
If you manually add it by IP address, you can verify it was added by looking at settings.
When you run the curl command to remove it, again you can verify it was removed by looking at settings.