Can't Add Hulu Live to sources

Unfortunately, after what was over an hour and a half channel scanning process, there were no additional channels authorized. Logs have been submitted: f3068fc6-0ced-499c-8c1b-86f005dc81f0 :cry:

I don't know if this will resolve the Hulu issues, but this will allow you to re-enter a 2fa code without deleting and re-adding a source:

Thanks, Eric. I have already removed my Hulu source. I'll attempt to add it back in while my subscription is still valid. If I'm able to get it going, I'll try to rescan some individual channels and let you know what happens...

That's a no-go. Unable to add the Hulu Live source.

Following up with resolution on my Hulu Live authentication issue...

I assumed I was on the latest version of things since I am running the official Channels DVR docker container, but turns out it is based on a very old version of ubuntu (16.04 I think it was) and won't update chromium past version 90.something :grimacing: Surprised this isn't a known issue by now? @eric

I ended up learning some Dockerfile stuff and building my own docker image based on current alpine linux and latest chromium, to at least get me going for now. Hopefully the devs will get the official images updated soon...

A post was split to a new topic: Should I use Docker?

The docker container you linked to is based on Alpine Linux, so you may have been running an old version of the container.

Sorry, I was running fancybits/channels-dvr:nvidia for gpu functionality. I corrected the link above.

Yes, that has yet to be updated.

Since I knew I wanted to tryout the gpu options, I went straight to the nvidia image when I moved to using Docker. I never actually tried out the fancybits/channels-dvr:tve image, assuming it would be the same just without the gpu extras. But from this exchange it sounds like that is not the case, and I do see now that the channels-dvr:tve image has been updated on Docker Hub much more recently than the gpu images (5 mo vs 3 yrs ago).

The latest DVR pre-release has additional attempts to fix 2fa for Hulu.

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I just tried to add Hulu Live as TVE source. I received two emails, both with the same 6 digit number. I was prompted twice to enter the code. Upon entering the passcode for the second time, it dropped out of the process with the same "Cable provider authentication failed" message as before.
Diagnostics submitted: c58ed3c5-e48e-40c0-9e47-8dc4ed466802

Thanks for trying this out. It isn't clear to me why it isn't working.

You're quite welcome. I have recently switched to YouTube TV and have TVE working as a source. I had previously been charged for Hulu, so that account is good for another 2 weeks or so. I'm happy to continue testing the Hulu 2fa until my service runs out.

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Same here, running latest Beta. Can not get authenticated

Anybody working on this issue?


Thanks for sticking with this as long as you did, even it you weren't able to figure it out. Thumbs up.

FWIW, I know that it may be a completely different process for validation for HULU Live - TVE as a source. However, I just was scheduling some recordings through the PlayOn Cloud service. Entering credentials for both Disney+ and Hulu did not require any 6 digit 2fa codes. It was simply prompts for email address and password...that's all. :thinking:

Just tried to add Hulu Live TVE source with the new Pre-Release.

Sad to say, it didn't make it very far. I received two duplicate emails with the same six-digit code. I was prompted to enter twice, without receiving another code. Upon the second entry, received this:

This is the same behavior that I am experiencing.