I have a Windows 11 computer dedicated strictly to recording TV. My problem- When I have a Windows Update, channels does not restart, I must start it manually. (I had this same problem on my prior older computer. When I go to 'Settings -- Apps - Startup' , Channels DVR is listed. However, when I go to 'Settings - Apps - Installed Apps', Channels DVR is not listed. Could this be the problem, or am I overthinking it? What can I do to make Channels DVR start when there's a Window's update? Thanks
Go to Windows 11 task manager Startup and make sure ChannelsDVR is enabled. If it is not right click and enable.
Make it a service?
Been quite a while, but as I recall, if you run the installer, even if it's already installed, you'll see some options about running as a service. I'd try that first.
Yea, taken for granted.
Local system account will work fine unless you need to access an SMB share and provide credentials. Then a service account is necessary.
Edwin, I just updated from a RP running the Channels image, to a Beelink Mini S pc running Windows 11 Pro 24H2. It can't see my network shares. How do I get that "Channels DVR Server Properties (Local Computer)" tab to come up, so I can have it log in like that? Is that done by right-clicking Channels in Services, then Properties, etc?
See thread here: Help Migrating from RPI to PC
That was the fix! Thank YOU!
If only I had found this thread yesterday, I would have saved MANY hours of mucking around with my new Windows install trying to find out why Channels couldn't see my UNC shares.