Combine Multiple Tuners Together

Some power users have multiple HDHomeRun devices in their house. At the moment, Channels requires you to switch between devices manually via the Settings tab. This can be cumbersome if you’re often switching between OTA and Cable, or between two different antennas pointed in different directions.

In a future version, we’d like to combine all the channels available from all the tuners on the network into one giant list of channels. If you have multiple tuners and want this feature, vote for it above!


I’m using two Prime’s, so definitely all for this. Switching the Prime’s myself is fine, but it’s explaining what’s happening to my 8 year old that is a little difficult.

Also using two primes, and would love to see them work as a collective pool.

I also have 2 Primes and would like this.

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Are you folks using multiple PRIMEs just to have more tuners? So all the PRIMEs have the exact same channels?

This use-case might be easier to add support for than the more complicated PRIME+CONNECT or 2 CONNECTs pointed at different towers use-cases.

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In my case YES. I have 2x Primes giving me 6 Turners. I have disabled the same SD Channels (and more) on each so the DETECT Channels is exactly the SAME on both.

Multi tuners just so we can record 3-4 things would be good as I often want to record 2 things and watch a third, particularly around 7-10pm during prime time.


Are you folks using multiple PRIMEs just to have more tuners? So all the PRIMEs have the exact same channels?

Answer: Yes that exact use case…

2 Primes and 1 Extend for OTA (backup). Great idea!

Yes, just want more tuners as Uk only has 2 tuner connects available. Ideally want 4 tuners on the network/2x SD connects so I can record 2 things on one connect and then watch a third or fourth channel on the 2nd SD Connect.

Definitely using it for more tuners. A while ago I ended up at a point where I couldn’t record something just because of overlap where the recorder would start a minute early and end a minute later to ensure the whole program is recorded, but that would keep the tuner from being able to be used for something else in the next time slot. I ended up getting an extra PRIME and that’s removed the issue and I haven’t had any more problems trying to watch and record.

Yes I am using 2 x CONNECT (DVB-T) just to get more tuners. Both connected to same rooftop aerial. So support for this use case would nail it for me and will be increasingly important once DVR so that I can record up to 3 (in my case) other channels while watching a 4th live. Admittedly it’s rare to need to do that but it’s amazing how often all the good things are on at once and I end up wanting to record 2 things and still be able to watch a 3rd live.

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Today I have one Extend used for live TV using Channels App but I am planning to purchase a second Extend when DVR functionality is available. Both tuners would be off the same attic mounted antenna so station availability would be the same.

I use 2 Primes connected to TWC. Been considering getting a Connect as a backup because TWC flakes out here pretty regularly. 3 separate times in the last 6 weeks or so for about 24 hours each…get a decent credit on my bill every time it happens if I call and complain. :slight_smile:

I have two tuners, Connect and Extend, with two antennas. Combining then would simplify the system.

I have 4 Primes, 1 Extend, 2 WhiteBox Duals.

This would be useful if the items can be grouped (selected) manually if needed.

The issues I can see happening would be the following scenario:

  • Some regions have many clearqam channels (ex many fios regions) and there are some users that may not have CCs in all their primes.
  • On my duals and the extend I have them connected to antennas pointing to different directions. This would mean that not all channels would show up with the optimal strength if they are combined.

Also, in my case the software MUST use proper tuner locking since for now the tuners are used by: Channels, SDDVR, WMC, InstaTV pro (Android and IOS), SD Apps, and DLNA Devices (PS3 via DTCP-IP DLNA, XB1/PS4 via DLNA)…

Yes, great feature. I have a Prime and an Extend.

Yep. I use a prime and a Connect. I live in the New York Metro area and get New York local channels via cable. But I'm a Philly sports fan, so I have a db8 antenna up on the roof and it allows me to pick up Philadelphia broadcasts (70 miles away).

I'd love the ability to merge the channels so they're all in one section. I noticed that the latest version of the HDHomeRun Mac application does this already (I'm seeing all my channels in one place from both boxes). It looks like how they handle channel overlap (different channels with same number) is that the cable channel 3 is recognized as just 3. The antenna (Philly) channel 3 is seen as channel 3.1.

I love this app and this feature would make things even better.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I hope you folks have noticed this news story (link below). Basically, it looks like the FCC is going to require the cable and satellite providers to build apps for AppleTV, Roku and any other device which has sold at least 5 million devices. It would seem that it could be a major business opportunity for Channels (to perhaps build the required app for the cable and satellite companies)

That's two years out, at the earliest. But it gives you time to build a business model that takes all this into account.

Count me in for this feature too. I would use it with two OTA antennas, because I have major markets in two different directions.

For me, I would also need the ability to pick channels from each tuner box. You rarely get a signal that’s 100% on one antenna and 0% on the other, so it would be useful to say that I should only try tuning in “this” station on this tuner and not that one.

In case you’ve never looked at this problem, you can’t simply take two antennas and point them in two directions and feed them into a common tuner. It MAY work depending on the geometry and the distance between the antennas, but in general you get all sorts of wonky results. Using two HD’s is a way better solution, because it completely isolates the two. Sure, costs some money, but no more than amplifiers and such you might otherwise need.

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OK I asked for it. Because my antennas also pick up from the backside selecting which tuner has priority does not work for my setup. I guess what is really needed is the ability to channel by channel choose which tuner to use.