Direct Stream box w/blue Channels screen

This just started today. My Direct Stream boxes (android) will bring up the usual Channels display, but when I go to play any recorded video or try to view live tv I get only the sound and blue screen. I've rebooted boxes & server, uninstalled/reinstalled channels app to no avail. Streaming works fine on Windows computers. Ticket put in this morning, but no response yet. Anyone else seeing this?

I wonder if it is related to this ....

I hadn't updated the Channels server side software since about 7 days ago, so I don't know what would've changed overnight. However, your message reminded me I have a Fire TV box w/Channels on it. I just checked and it's working fine. Since the problem is on all my DirecTV Stream boxes, I'm thinking either the box received an update overnight or the channels app was updated.

I hope this is something Channels can fix or adjust for. I doubt the DirecTV people will be too interested in fixing something that takes people away from their system, which is loaded with "oh, you want to watch that channel? What's your credit card number?" traps.

Just want to thank you for the link to the other message thread. I changed the video decoder option from hardware to software and it worked. (it also works on hybrid). So I guess I have the opposite problem than you - hardware encoding breaks viewing but software encoding works.

Yeah something is screwed up @Michael_Birk found it.