Disconnected from hdhomerun

Improve your antenna so the signal is better?

Well the signal is worse today because it is snowing here. nothing i can do at the moment. Just weird that this is the only app on the shield with an issue..

So i just submitted another round of diags. I am watching fox OTA typically i get 100% signal and quality. I was getting 100% when it froze. the connection dropped so I cannot see the exact signal strength at the point of disconnect. Can you tell me if this had signal errors in the logs as well please.

The SNR logs I posted are available on the Log tab of your dvr web UI. Doesn't look like any signal issues on 64.2

Ok, so why did that freeze?

Looks like you double clicked the play/pause to change channels to 6044 and then it crashed?

Sounds similar to Double play tap eventually crashes app (beta)

That may have been the crash when i was trying to move away from the frozen channel and then back again.... but really can't be sure, it has been crashing often today. I found a similar issue someone posted back in january.... no resolution there either (except swtich to apple tv...lol). That is too bad, i like the shield way more than firetv. My shield is brand new tubular one.. see others using a shield with no problem, wondering if it is this model??

The tube model uses 32-bit OS and seems to have more bugs than the regular shield.

When it freezes does it show the timeline or paused icon on the screen?

What does the shield show if you click the speedtest button under settings inside Channels app?

No, it has no timeline and i cannot pause / play, FF, RW. the only options are to bring up the quick guide from the top and select a new channel. I can click the back button to go back to the guide. I can quick play/pause for last channel.

Currently getting download of 499.96 Mbit/s. Latency is 2.36ms. Jitter 1.27ms

Happy to try testing anything you want me to... including any beta builds if you think it will help.

So after reading online about the tube shield and memory/32 bit issues, I decided to get the pro version of the shield... This has the same issue with OTA as the tube. I have an old shield setup, circa 2016 or 2017.....this does not have the issue. Below are the stats of the standard def channel with the issue...

Is this recognized as an issue with channels? Will it be worked on? I need to decide if I am going to just use YTTV or channels....

Tuner sharing enabled

Virtual Channel 12.3 Bounce
Frequency 177.000 MHz
Program Number 5
Modulation Lock 8vsb
Signal Strength 79%
Signal Quality 91%
Symbol Quality 100%
Streaming Rate 1.748 Mbps

I just submitted more diags .

I'm not really sure why the new shield would be different than the old one. Other users here are using the new shield and tube and not experiencing the same freezes, so there is something specific to your environment that is part of the cause. I can't tell at this point if it's signal related or network related from the information in the logs. Without being able to reproduce it myself it is going to be very hard to find a fix.

One thing you could try is swapping the working shield with the new one to see if the new one works in the same location and network connection setup as the old one.

I have already done this. The older shield has replaced the tube and working fine. I do not have a network issue.

From today's log:

11-01 13:32:40.904 7915 8288 V Streamer: read error: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset

I think you should try hard-wiring to the network to see if it makes any difference.

If you hit record and play the recording, are there freezing issues?

I guess I will need to dump this as a solution. Nothing else I have experiences any issues...on any device.

Firetvs and the older shield work fine.

I can play recordings from a OTA source fine.