DRM Protected ATSC 3.0 Channels

This is interesting posted by NICK ....

If the broadcaster sets an expiry date the recording won't play after that date. The record engine may delete the recording so as to not waste space with an unplayable recording.

A recent announcement from A3SA indicates that broadcasters should not set an expiry date on recording, at least until ATSC 1.0 goes away. This is not in stone - the guideline can be changed at any time if 3 or more member broadcasters decide to change it.


I wonder if I grab that box and pipe it in with a HDMI capture card that it'll work. Not too sure what the adb commands would be to tune into each channel tho. That may have to be done with some sort of IR blaster command :thinking:

All the channels here in Miami won't work with the HDHR 4K (DRM and 1 Internet stream) so that's out of the question so this device remains.

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have a look at the HDMI for channels thread

I currently record Cable DRM Channels using GGTV+HDHR app and ADBTUNER to record using HDMI Encoder.

But we're talking about OTA here not cable. HDHR 4K don't work with ATSC 3.0 DRM

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It will use the Same Procedure when and if the HDHR app can VIEW ATSC 3.0 DRM you will be able to capture the Same way no difference.

That'll be the case IF they can get it. But until then, the ADTH Box is probably our best hand ATSC 3-wise

This was brought up on the SD forums, LG has decided to drop ATSC 3.0 from the 2024 US tv platform.

As the Electronic Frontier Foundation has noted, in some cases “patents . . . have become a tool
for intimidation and expensive litigation, chilling the very innovation the patent system was sup-
posed to encourage.”8 That is the reality that LG is facing now. Excessive per-unit royalty rates
resulting from litigation, and the threat (known and unknown) presented by patent holders that
have not made commitments to license under RAND conditions, have a chilling effect on the de-
ployment of advanced technologies by LG. In addition, patent litigation costs are very high, even
when litigation is settled or otherwise resolved prior to trial. Moreover, consumers are adversely
impacted by the results of reduced investment and slower deployment of technologies. This is a
most unwelcome circumstance.

This challenging and uncertain patent landscape has forced LG to make the difficult decision to
suspend the inclusion of ATSC 3.0-compatibility in its 2024 television lineup for the United
States. This decision was not made lightly, because LG has been a vocal ATSC 3.0 advocate, a
strong supporter of local broadcasters, and a leading developer of television products with the lat-
est NEXTGEN TV technologies. Going forward, LG will, of course, continue to monitor the pa-
tent landscape and its effect on LG’s own product roadmap and overall industry dynamics.


This may end up being bad for consumers, but I see it as a good thing in the short term. Even the hardware devs are getting fed up with the shenanigans.


"Hey Farva, what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy 'stuff' on the walls and the mozzerella sticks?"



Movie reference? All I hear is a whooshing sound.

Super Troopers


Nothing really new there, I suspect Antennaman was desperate since he hasn't posted in a month and tried a little clickbait there.

After all, there's only so many antennas out there, and 90% of the typical media consumers aren't even aware there is anything besides cable TV and streaming services.

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True I looked at the Video Title and thought OTA was shutting down thought maybe he knew something I did not know. Crap Video should be removed from post as it is only click bait.

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Ok. Removed.

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I'm surprised no one posted this one yet:

TL;DR, ATSC 1.0 is not going away in July 2027 and is most likely going to be around for at least another 10-15 years from today. But I love how Tyler breaks down how misinformation like this has spread from a real document. A good lesson to everyone in :scream:-mode right now.


WE did but considered it Click Bait and removed it the Thumbnail is misleading.


Are the title and thumbnail really clickbait? I suppose one could interpret them that way. I might also list them under "hyperbole" and "sensationalism" to get "the sky is falling" types to click in. While I can see where you are coming from and certainly agree that Antenna Man can have very clickbaity headlines, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on this one in particular, especially considering the useful content. This is especially true if your argument is based on...

This is a false assumption that is easily refuted:

Basically, he says that putting together his videos is taking longer than expected and he's run into some technical hangups with the things he wants to review, so he was giving himself a break to do other projects and personal stuff in his life first before returning to regular videos. In the one above, he specially says that he was posting this one-off while he was away because he wanted to respond to misinformation around ATSC 3.0 that was rapidly spreading.

You can tell from his other posts that he is getting very frustrated with ATSC 3.0 misinformation out there and trying to stay calm, reasonable, and polite about it while correcting these false statements. For instance:

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I understand both POV on if it is/isnt clickbait.

This video contains no new information that has not already been discussed prior. However the video is still useful to people who are late to the discussion and don't want to search/read old threads.

I think the video should stay. It does not harm. And anyone clicking the video can also see the discussion of video and decided to watch it or not.

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