The web player has been completely redesigned, and is now visually consistent across different browsers. Lots of new features, including:
- NEW: Support for Chromecast.
- NEW: Buttons for Airplay and PIP in Safari.
- NEW: Buttons to skip back 10s and forward 30s.
- NEW: Commercials markers on the web player timeline.
- NEW: Chapter picker lets you skip past commercials.
- IMPROVED: Show poster and spinner while transcoder is starting.
- IMPROVED: Larger web player.
- FIXED: Scrub/seek was not working in Safari for live streams.
- FIXED: Clicking outside the web player could accidentally dismiss it before clicking Stop.
- FIXED: Click-and-drag to scrub on the player was unreliable.
- FIXED: Hiding a show from Up Next would cause incorrect counts on web Recordings tab.
- FIXED: Retry guide data downloads on 503 Service Unavailable errors.
- FIXED: Spurious buffer warning when starting a recording on 32-bit platforms.
Linux/FreeBSD/Mac/NAS (replace with IP of DVR)
curl -XPUT
Windows (run in PowerShell)
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Method Put