DVR Pre-Release: Placeholder guide data

The placeholders seem to have their times wrong this morning. I am observing this on IOS and Web admin.

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Same here. See actually time on the screenshot.

I'm running the latest prerelease and seeing correct times on my three dvr servers using the placeholder EPG. But, mine haven't done their daily morning guide update yet.

I hadn't updated since yesterday morning so I may have been a release or two behind. However, I am seeing the same behavior on the latest build. Four hours fast.

Must be the placeholder EPG data then if it's appearing bad on older releases.

Or could be the release!

Looks good here after updating and daily morning guide refresh.

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Confirmed fixed after install of v2022.09.06.1554 and refreshing guide.

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Do you have duplicated channel numbers across different sources?

I love the idea of the placeholders…

Im wondering why im getting placeholder with these timeshifted hours in the guide. Vs the guide times.

Yes, I have a backup M3U for the channels that are duplicates between my HDHR and SAT>IP, so if one fails or goes offline it will pick up channels from the other. The channel numbers are the same and they’re mapped to the same guide data.

Placeholders only appear for unmapped channels, so one of the sources must not have the same guide mapping.

Yes, my HDHR is completely unmapped since I use it via an M3U instead so I can do my own channel numbering scheme. Some of the channel numbers do conflict. This never caused issues before the placeholder feature was added. Is there a way to get the HDHR to not appear as a tuner source?

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I think the unmapped HDHR is ignored. I meant sources where guide data is setup, but that particular channel does not have a source for data.

Read the posts above yours, or just update prerelease

Just double checked and all channels are definitely mapped except for the HDHR source.

Please submit diagnostics

Submitted: d089a214-ce94-44dd-8f53-893f6694d51e

Just to follow up on this: I use tvc-guide-stationid tags in my M3Us to automatically map to guide data. I double checked those and they all lined up between my primary and backup M3Us (I've not touched them for ages). But I had a hunch so I removed them and then manually (and painstakingly) remapped all guide data in the web UI. All the random placeholders have now disappeared from the EPG.

I'm not sure of the significance or how adding the placeholder feature affected things, but it seems to have corrected the issue I was seeing.

Is there a way to disable this for certain channels?