DVR server not working after Shield 9.0.0 update

Yeah, I use it mainly for Internet browsing, etc. It has an AMD CPU in it with the stock CPU heatsink and fan. It really heats up when I play Candy Crush too. I may look into buying a better cooler....can't spend too much on it as I am on a fixed income.

I noticed that commercial skip is no longer working for me. I enabled it on both the server and client. Everything else appears to working as before. Hopefully this will sorted out soon and thanks again for getting this temporary fix.

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For folks still having the permissions issue, is your external drive formatted as exFAT or NTFS?

Mine is exFat, and not working.

Should I reformat it to fat32?

No, fat32 won't work for DVR. It has a file size limit and is not reliable.

I am doing some more tests here with different filesystems.

I found a workaround which is in the next prerelease. Update your dvr using the Check for Update dropdown, then you should be able to reselect your drive and get past the permissions issue.

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YEA ! That latest prerelease seems to work. Thank you.


Working here also!! Thank you !!!

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Jan.15 Pre-release worked for me using my external drive non-adopted hardware. Great Job Dude's named Ben.

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Can someone explain the process? I don't understand what is a pre released and how to install it. Thanks

You are the man. Was about to post a problem with the backup failing when I read your post. I updated to the pre-release and it fixed the problem. Thanks.

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if you set your browser to "https://x.x.x.x:8089/admin/settings" where "x.x.x.x" is your server's IP address, you will see this in the upper left corner:

click on the "Check for Updates" button. This will give you an option to choose the pre-release update.


Thanks, it does seem you have fixed the permission problem with external drives. Hopefully the commercial detection will also be working now. Not a big deal at this time, but I can't seem to play anything that requires the transcoder. The web player just won't start. I noticed the server is only showing a software transcoder, when I believe before the 9.0.0 upgrade it was showing hardware. I am probably doing something wrong.

I can’t even open the DVR server webpage using the IP address, just says server isn’t available or goes to a weird flickering blank screen in Safari on iOS.

Did you sideload the new dvr first?

Apologies, I thought this was an interim fix without needing to sideload, I’ll carry on waiting - we’re catching up on our Netflix backlog for now :slightly_smiling_face:
(I’d completely forgotten the issue was stopping the server from working completely, I thought it was just that the external media was being blocked by Android.)

Happy Days! Although my server crashed last night, I rebooted my Shield and found the developers have been very busy all night. I upgraded to the latest pre-release. Everything that I have tested so far is working great. The write permissions, the transcoder (web browser streaming), the backup database have all been fixed for me. I haven't tested the commercial ship yet, but I can see the files being written to the comskip folder so I am almost completely sure it will work now. I believe I may be back up 100%. I was preparing to move my server to another system, but I don't see the need anymore. I really can't tell you how pleased I am with developers. Keep in mind, I did not signup or install any hot fix to the Shield OS. I haven't check to see if Plex has resolved their problems.

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Unrelated to channels, is anyone else shield running like garbage since the update? Mine has been randomly ejecting the adopted storage while I'm at work, freezing / unresponsiveness requiring a hard reboot (kill the power), Google home rarely turns it off successfully in routines, in addition to the bigger issues like I can't browse my adopted storage through any means.

Lost a lot of respect for nVidia.

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Yes, have had a lot of unresponsiveness when navigating on the Shield. Been doing a lot of reboots. The DVR server works fine right after rebooting, but if I come back in a while, its locked up and I have to reboot in order to access Channels DVR or the server itself. Hoping Nvidia comes up with a fix soon.