DVR server on windows

Alright, v2017.01.27.2325 is now available.

Looks like the windows firewall alert comes up asking for permission every time the DVR updates itself to a new binary =\

This firewall issue is going to be a big problem, since the DVR will stop working every time it upgrades until you go click Allow. I will need to find a fix, but it might involve having to reinstall the DVR. Please keep this in mind if you’re testing, and be prepared to lose all your DVR data and reinstall the DVR software next week.

On the PC, I am not sure if they have a server for NAS.

Okay I think I have a fix for the firewall issue. If you haven’t installed yet, hold off until the new build is ready.

I am running on NAS and want to test on Windows, Can i change the port from 8089 for my Windows test setup so when I use web GUI I can access either the NAS or the Windows setup remotely?

The port cannot be changed. You could leave the “Remote Access” unchecked, and setup a manual port forwarding rule like 8090->x.x.x.x:8089 so that they’re available on different ports externally.

OK, will try that. The software transcoder locally works better and faster at 1080p than the hardware or software transcoder at 240 did on the PR4100. I am interested if I will find the same results via the web.

Guide data for HDHR Prime came up fine. Guide data for HDHR Connect (OTA) is missing. I even tried another zip code. Any ideas?

Over the internet streaming at 1080p is great!


windows Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
6.1.7601 Build 7601


8 cores / Intel® Core™ i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz


21.46 GB
80.0% free

I would like to test it out

The Windows version with a strong i7 processor can stream over the internet with software transcoding at 1080p to my iPhone, then I airplay it to my apple TV and then use the remote to skip forward and back with no stalls what so ever. This is great. I think I will keep my NAS setup for home use as it works fine however I will use the Windows version for streaming remotely. I think my only issue will be is can the DVR see recordings recordings from another DVR setup if i use the same recording directory.

Okay a new build (v2017.01.28.0312) is ready. If you already installed the DVR on windows, please follow these steps exactly:

  1. Stop the DVR
  • Right click on the DVR icon in your system tray (bottom right), and click exit.
  • OR, open Task Manager find Channels DVR and click End Task
  1. Delete the old InstallChannelsDVR.exe from your Downloads folder
  • make sure you don’t run the old installer again, since it will not do anything.
  1. Download and run the new installer

Again: If you are running the DVR on windows, PLEASE FOLLOW THE STEPS ABOVE ASAP.

If guide data is still downloading for the PRIME, you will need to wait for it to finish before the OTA data downloads. This is a bug.

Installed. Time to see what this DVR shenanigans is all about.

How do I move the series pass from the Mac to Windows?

looks like enough people have installed it that smart screen isn’t firing anymore!

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It finally downloaded over night. Thanks for letting me know about the bug though.

I would like to test on a couple different computers at once. One being my Windows 7 machine and the other being my Windows 10 (which is currently running the software). I can manually separate recordings, but the question is will the ATV see recordings from both computers or do I have to put all recordings on a single networked hard drive? And will there be a conflict with guide data?

You can run multiple Channels DVRs, but you can’t combine the recordings because they each maintain their own databases. You would need to record to both if you wanted to view from either.

It has been stated that you will lose everything on the windows DVR next week with an update, so use your windows as a test only box.

Also the channels app can only see one DVR so you need to control that with the bonjour setting

Because the DVR is so great, and this team is so responsive, I Think that people forget that this is alll still in test Until they say it’s production, and stuff can happen.