ESPN+ & FOX Sports with Custom Channels via EPlusTV

I'll try looking for those

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Things may have changed but typically you navigate to and put in the code provided by the docker. It’s like 6 or 8 characters for espn and 4 characters for Fox. From there you select your provider.

Yes, I did see that. The only problem is it asked me to login with email/password. I don't have an account setup. I login using with my TV provider. I didn't see that option.

It tells you to go to the and input the code. It recognizes whether it’s an ESPN acct or a provider account. Select your provider and it will bring you to your providers log in page. Log in.

You'll have to set ESPN_PLUS=false along with setting the ESPN channels you have through your provider to true

Just putting out feelers for NFL+ and NBA League Pass. If someone has those and doesn't mind sharing credentials with me I can try adding them (assuming they don't use DRM). I'd be curious about adding DAZN as well.

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Yes, thank you. I get that part. Apologies if I'm not explaining my issue correctly.

How/where do I find that setting (ESPN_PLUS=false) to make the change?

Yes. I see the and the code. However when I input the code, my only option is to enter an ESPN account email and password. There's no option to login with TV provider - that I can find.

I might be wrong, but I'm guessing it's because I need to set (ESPN_PLUS=false)? Which is what I'm trying to figure out - where to do that.

This is slightly dated, but look at this:

The things with -e are the environmental variables that you have to put in to set what you want true or false.

Here's an example with almost your exact scenario:

Search this thread for docker run to get more examples if you need them.

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Where are you running your docker? Synology, windows, Mac, portainer, etc.

If you’re running on Synology, use the wizard and select Advanced settings and you can enter the environment variables. Portainer, if I remember also has an ENV (Environment Variables) spot.
Can’t help with Windows or Mac instalation.

Hi. I'm running it on a Windows 11 NUC. I'll look again to see if/where there's an advanced settings tab in docker. Thanks

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Hi. Thanks for the reply. So this must be done before I run the docker image in cmd, or can it this be done somewhere in Docker itself?

Trying to pull up the Brown vs Yale Game on ESPNU, Channel 5 on EPlus and it wont come up. Getting an error in the log about it. I am wondering if it may be because I moved from Hulu (Which I used when I initially set up EPlus) to YTTV. If so, how do I go about resetting my provider for EPlus? I am using The Docker version for Unraid [email protected]

Delete everything in your config folder that you configured in Unraid and restart the container

All set, Thank You!

Unless you are running a stack in Portainer, this is what has to be on your command line to create the container. You cannot add anything that is not on the command line afterwards; you have to delete the container and recreate it with a new command line.

  • Image = Download of repository
  • Container = Executed Program
  • Docker Desktop = GUI to review and interact with Images and Containers
  • Docker = Command line program

docker run -d --restart=always -p 8000:8000 -v config_dir:/app/config -e PUID=$(id -u $USER) -e PGID=$(id -g $USER) -e USERNAME='' -e PASSWORD='' m0ngr31/eplustv

should this be USERNAME=''username -e PASSWORD=password'
or USERNAME=''username" -e PASSWORD="password'

The second one is closest. It should be:

-e USERNAME="username" -e PASSWORD="password"

You have a single quote at the end of your example.

for some reason I can't get it to open ip:8000/channels.m3u

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Username and password aren't used except for now