Trying to pull up the Brown vs Yale Game on ESPNU, Channel 5 on EPlus and it wont come up. Getting an error in the log about it. I am wondering if it may be because I moved from Hulu (Which I used when I initially set up EPlus) to YTTV. If so, how do I go about resetting my provider for EPlus? I am using The Docker version for Unraid eplustv@2.0.17
Delete everything in your config folder that you configured in Unraid and restart the container
All set, Thank You!
Unless you are running a stack in Portainer, this is what has to be on your command line to create the container. You cannot add anything that is not on the command line afterwards; you have to delete the container and recreate it with a new command line.
- Image = Download of repository
- Container = Executed Program
- Docker Desktop = GUI to review and interact with Images and Containers
- Docker = Command line program
docker run -d --restart=always -p 8000:8000 -v config_dir:/app/config -e PUID=$(id -u $USER) -e PGID=$(id -g $USER) -e USERNAME='' -e PASSWORD='' m0ngr31/eplustv
should this be USERNAME=''username -e PASSWORD=password'
or USERNAME=''username" -e PASSWORD="password'
The second one is closest. It should be:
-e USERNAME="username" -e PASSWORD="password"
You have a single quote at the end of your example.
for some reason I can't get it to open ip:8000/channels.m3u
the docker is running and port is open but i can't pull the channels/m3u
The Fox 4k football games today still not working. 404 not found.
I was experiencing a similar issue with some news recordings. Turns out it's a feature, not a bug. By any chance, have you enabled the new Sports section?
When you turn on the Sports Section, all of your sports content will be hidden from the rest of your library browsing and available exclusively in the Sports Section. This gives you a dedicated place for all of your sports and helps clean up your library a little.
No, it's a bug. I record a ton of sports and they all show up in recordings. The only ones that do not show up are the E+ recordings. I never changed anything with news or sports and definitely nothing in the season passes.
The recordings section should show you all recordings. I have seen the E+ recordings show up occasionally on their own, but it's random and often doesn't happen until well after the event is underway.
I keep running into issues with games over the allotted time getting cut off on the recording. Even when I add extended time to record it ends at the initial schedule time. Anyone else run into that or know how to solve this?
I have never experienced that. Is this from a manual recording or one that is a pass?
I do manual recordings with added padding in case it runs over but it seems to be disregarding the padding for some reason.
What tuner are you using to record? Is there something else that is supposed to record when it ends?
So when I record off ESPN+, I pad without issue (normally 30 min or an hour).
I believe that the channels in the container allow for an hour before the channel switches. The only time I’ve seen your case is when a delay (weather) outruns the padded record time.
So if you missed something at the end go to the espn app and watch the replay which allows FF.
Last year I mainly used ESPN+ to watch NHL games and didn't even think to add them to Channels DVR. Yesterday, I came across this thread about adding the Espn+ games to Channels and set it up and it's working perfectly.
I'm glad I can record both broadcast versions of most NHL games because I usually like one broadcast over the other. However, I guess I would prefer to just record the broadcast I want but when setting up the recording ahead of time both guide listings for the same game are exactly the same. Has anyone found a way to figure out which broadcast is which with the duplicate guide listings?
Last season I was able to find somewhere else in the metadata that was generated, where it would say “my favorite NHL team Broadcast.” I was able to cue in on that and only record that broadcast. That data doesn’t seem to be a part of the latest version. @m0ngr31 any chance on getting this capability put back in on a future update?
Are you a Spectrum customer? If so, they started blocking access to Fox Sports streams from non-Spectrum internet. I'm a Spectrum TV customer, but use Quantum Fiber for internet (they don't offer TV). Because of that, all Fox Sports streams are blocked. Spectrum sucks.