I have the TVE local networks option activated. The non-cable login TVE Channels seem to be added automatically when the server refreshes.
Mine shows the TVE ABC channel, but when selecting it in the guide I get an error "Tuner Not Responding".
I guess it's not working. I just saw it added to my TVE list and guide and thought it was active without testing.
How do I get this to rescan. Fox is not showing up however when I go to the link I am able to watch with no issues. In addition ABC shows as an unimplemented channel...
My ABC (KSTP) stream was working a few weeks ago but I started getting errors so I rescanned and now I get the message below.
Don't know if this helps
You have to click and hold on the update button
I’ve tried that a few times over the recent weeks to see if it resolved actually.
TVE ABC is now working for the first time for me here in Minneapolis. Thanks.
I still get unimplemented channel for ABC..with using Xfinity TVE
But no matter to me as i got a OTA tuner now and that channel is 100% signal.

Click-and-hold the Check for Update button.
Does this put you on a beta only channel? I am worried if I do this I will be stuck on the latest betas.
No it only updates when you click-and-hold
I just upgraded to 2020.01.28.0214 and I still get this when trying to add ABC:
abcgo: 1037:Unable to retrieve required files for playback. Please try again in a few minutes.
I can access my local Fox TV via the live URL in Minneapolis via my Sling Subscription, but I'm not seeing it listed as an available channel. FS1 works with the same login. I'm using a PR4100 for my Server.
I am unable to get Telemundo to list. It doesn't even show on the channels list.
I just setup a new server on a new Shield Pro. When I added my two TVE providers, xFinity from my PA home and Spectrum from my home here in HI, it's not giving me the local ABC, NBC, FOX affiliates like it used to. I know it probably won't give me the ABC and NBC from PA I got from PA since it is now out of the area, but I used to at least get one of them using this location here in HI, but I don't now.
When I go to Edit Channels it doesn't even make them show up anymore as options, when I believe it did before. There used to be a check box to tell your DVR to use these TVE channels in the Settings menu but I don't see that now either. Maybe that was just when this was beta, idk.
The box is still there. Check all the way at the bottom under Experimental.
I thought we couldn't use TVE on the Shield devices.
You can't use YouTube TV logins for TVE on the Shield. All others are supported, as far as I know.
Ah! Thanks for clarifying that for me. I may move over to a different provider if that's the case.