Experimental: Local Networks (NBC, ABC, FOX) in some major metros via TVE

Strange that one of my two Channels DVR Servers using the Xfinity-TVE source picked up my local Fox affiliate channel, but the other server shows this error platform response: 403 Forbidden every time I try to scan it. Also toggled off/on the Experimental Local Networks via TV Everywhere setting.

I made the mistake of rescanning the channel on the server that had it auth's. Now it's giving me the same platform response: 403 Forbidden error.

I'll try rescanning the channel at 8pm when 'WWE Friday Night SmackDown' is airing


Im in Columbus Ohio. My fox should be WSYXDT3 but it's giving me WXIN in Indianapolis. All of my other local TVE channels are correct. When I try to play the Indy fox it gives me a 403 Forbidden error.

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That worked.

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Did not work for me. I'll try again tonight.

Uploaded 2021.09.18.0311 and still no luck on FOX TVE.

2021/09/18 08:30:34.262500 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6002: TVE: platform response: 403 Forbidden
2021/09/18 08:30:34.287802 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch6002-dANY-ip192.168.155.108: TVE: platform response: 403 Forbidden
2021/09/18 08:30:34.288152 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6002-dANY-ip192.168.155.108
2021/09/18 08:30:35.804219 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6002: TVE: platform response: 403 Forbidden
2021/09/18 08:30:35.846814 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch6002-dANY-ip192.168.155.108: TVE: platform response: 403 Forbidden
2021/09/18 08:30:35.846868 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6002-dANY-ip192.168.155.108
2021/09/18 08:30:36.912544 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6002: TVE: platform response: 403 Forbidden
2021/09/18 08:30:36.922239 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch6002-dANY-ip192.168.155.108: TVE: platform response: 403 Forbidden
2021/09/18 08:30:36.922268 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6002-dANY-ip192.168.155.108

Windows 10 server, Boston TV market, Version 2021.09.17.0006

2021/09/17 21:40:55.130723 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 6002 via TVE-Fubo: TVE: platform response: 403 Forbidden
2021/09/17 21:40:55.131246 [DVR] Error running job 1631923200-ch6002 WWE Friday Night SmackDown: could not start stream on channels=[6002]: TVE: platform response: 403 Forbidden
2021/09/17 21:41:59.249003 [DVR] Starting job 1631923200-ch6002 WWE Friday Night SmackDown on ch=[6002]
2021/09/17 21:41:59.249003 [DVR] Waiting 18m0.7509963s until next job 1631930400-21 The Ingraham Angle
2021/09/17 21:41:59.249003 [DBG] Scheduling wake timer for scheduled recording in 16m30.7509963s
2021/09/17 21:42:00.170895 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 6002 via TVE-Fubo: TVE: platform response: 403 Forbidden

I tried rescan and I'm getting 403 forbidden on Fox TVE (Optimum) when I try to tune Big Noon Kickoff.


No idea what’s happening to you but I’ve had zero issues with optimum in 3 years. Never, ever experienced these the issues with optimum tve.

Maybe something blocking something on your end? DNS blocking? Change dns?

Fox working great here, good luck.

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Your FOX TVE is NYC 24/7, no? Mine is not. I wish I could pull in NYC fox my location. :slight_smile:

I’m getting the same thing with DirecTV. Tried changing DNS to Google and it still didn’t work.


It's not quite working yet.


Just wanted to add that although the rescan enabled 6002-Fox, when trying to play the channel I get the error Failed to start stream for ch6002: TVE: platform response: 403 Forbidden

Just appreciate the effort you are putting in for this and providing feedback :slight_smile:


Try the latest prerelease it should let you tune in now


Can confirm it works for me now!

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Working for me also.
Thanks for getting this working.

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Working now. I'll reconfirm tomorrow night.

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Confirm working as well. You guys are amazing


Its working for me but I'm still not getting my fox in Columbus im getting Indy Fox

What do you see for the call sign of your local Fox station at https://www.fox.com/live
Does it show Fox28 or WSYX?