Fox TVE 6002 not working

I'll add that my Fox TVE (WTXF, Philly) hasn't been working either and only displays the "this stream is experiencing technical difficulties" banner. doesn't let you select anything to watch either as others have experienced. I haven't checked the fox stream during a sporting event lately to see if that works.

I ONLY get the sporting events on Channels DVR 6002.
I used to get the primetime shows, but now in their place I get this

which is also what appears when the guide says SIGN OFF

Exactly the same issue as user chDVRuser above...

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Next one I see is this Thursday, 8/31 5PM Pacific

Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 09-39-39 Channels Passes

I have that game set to record now so we'll see what happens.

If you can, try also viewing it at FOX Sports Live - Watch Live Sports, Shows, and Events Online | FOX Sports
Nebraska Cornhuskers vs Minnesota Golden Gophers - August 31, 2023
Nobody seems to know where the Fox 6002 stream is coming from.

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I'll try to record that game as well but I have a feeling it's not going to work, given that all of the later world cup games got the same 'this stream is having technical difficulties' banner on my Fox 35 Orlando channel. If I can remember at the time I'll also try watching it live at, maybe I can get a link that works and I can just set up a custom channel for sports which is all I want.

For the folks that had Fox recently and never saw the banner it will probably work but for those of us that get the banner now I don't think anything works.

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I am having the same issue as @chDVRuser. Are any Fox locals working, or is every Fox market having this issue? Thanks.

WNYW (FOX5 New York) still working for me right now. :crossed_fingers:

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Thanks. That station does seem to work. Hopefully they fix the others. Are you able to get it working on to work too?

No, it's not working on All I see is the schedule but there is no way to play a stream.

Weird. Thanks.


Fox OTA really messed me up they DRM'D 112.1/149.1 and lowered the power of 12.1/49.1 which breaks up to hell. The only OTA Channel I have that I can no longer watch. Have to use my Prime 712.

I had no Problem getting FOX OTA before they went DRM.

I'm pretty sure I know what's going to be recorded. I set up manual 2 minute recordings for everything in the guide (except SIGN OFF) through Friday night. The recordings start 3 minutes late (negative pre padding) to make sure it picks up the right stream. I already know what I can view at Fox Sports Live, so not going to check there when the game is on tomorrow. If anyone wants to try during the game, this link should work Nebraska Cornhuskers vs Minnesota Golden Gophers - August 31, 2023

It will record the pre game and game tomorrow.
Master Chef and WWE SmackDown will record this

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Will see what happens tonight

Just tried it, as expected if you're one of the unlucky ones that's getting the technical difficulties banner on 6002, you're hosed.

Nothing works, and since apparently all of the URLs are game specific there's nothing you can tune easily with channels. You'd have to set up every game individually every time and there's no way I'm doing that.

Works fine on optimum :grin:

And Verizon

Depends on what your local station is.
Mine is an affiliate and I only get the sporting events on 6002.
The pre game and game today both work for me.
For everything but sporting events I get this

Does it let you auth and stream it here?
Nebraska Cornhuskers vs Minnesota Golden Gophers - August 31, 2023
Not using the Preview Pass, but after you link your provider.

Wondering if you see the Technical difficulties banner there to.