OK, so you're saying 117518 EPG matches what's airing on the Frndly TV channel. That's all I was saying. I'm not going to check the airings to compare with the different stationId's for this new channel, since I don't watch it.
Yes, IONPSTR matches what is in the guide on the frndly site. The VIZIONP callsign you chucked out there, does not.
117518 is live now for ION
132607 is "prepped" once we know the frdnly channel number
added now, itll be on the next scrape within next hour
Using the non-docker, Python3 source, if I record two channels simultaneously from the same ChannelsDVR server, will that count as two different users? I imagine so, but just wanted to check. Their lowest tier plan, with only one user max, and SD quality video, actually streams and records HD video, so the video quality limitation is only in the app.
Actually, as far as I am aware, the streams pulled are only the HD streams (as you noticed) and do not count toward any count what-so-ever. So you can go with the minimum plan and still get as many simultaneous HD streams as you want.
So it comes down to your judgement as to “playing by the rules”. I personally have ChannelsDVR self restrict my steam count to my plan maximum. If you have the minimum plan you really don’t have a choice on restricting yourself to SD, but you can still configure the custom channels to restrict your simultaneous streams if you want.
Does the Docker version use the same source settings in Channels as the non-Docker version? Can the non-Docker version confuse the Docker version even if it isn't running?
Non-Docker version is working fine but I want to switch to Docker version but it is running but not playing or recording shows. Other Docker containers for Channels working as expected.
You should use one or the other, not both.
Stop the non-docker source and start the docker source.
Use the url's the docker source gives you in the new Custom M3U channel sources.
Once those are created and finishes updating guide data, Delete and Recreate the guide database
Do you know if simply closing the non-docker cmd, is enough to not interfere with the Docker container? Everything seems ok except it reconnects and doesn't play any shows.
Stop and close the python app window.
Remove the Custom M3U channel sources you had for it.
Start the Frndly docker container.
Create new Custom M3U sources for the docker container source.
Delete and Recreate the guide database.
invalid source url: failed to retrieve m3u: GET: 500 Internal Server Error
This is my issue when adding the source to Channels. I am copy/pasting info from When I turn off the Docker container it doesn't connect and give me the info as expected so it is connecting to the Docker.
Try using the actual IP address of the device running the Frndly for Channels docker container instead of
Just tried that and same error. How do I delete everything from the docker container and start that from scratch? Thanks.
Check the Frndly for Channels docker container log.
Did you pass your username and password environment variables to it?
Here's what I use (portainer stack)
docker compose
version: '3.9'
# GitHub home for this project: https://github.com/matthuisman/frndlytv-for-channels
# Matt Huisman's webpage for this project: https://www.matthuisman.nz/2021/11/frndly-tv-for-channels.html
# Docker Hub home for this project: https://hub.docker.com/r/matthuisman/frndlytv-for-channels
image: matthuisman/frndlytv-for-channels:${TAG}
container_name: frndlytv-for-channels
network_mode: "bridge" # for overriding with xfinity dns servers
- ${HOST_PORT}:80
# - IP=${IP} # For Geo-locating FrndlyTV to a different area
# - KEEP_ALIVE=${KEEP_ALIVE} # number of minutes between auth token checks. Default is 5, 0 to disable. If auth token has expired, it will renew it.
- USERNAME=${USERNAME} # FrndlyTV username (the email you used to sign-up)
- PASSWORD=${PASSWORD} # FrndlyTV password (the password you chose when you signed-up)
- TZ=${TZ} # Add your local timezone in standard linux format. E.G. US/Eastern, US/Central, US/Mountain, US/Pacific, etc
restart: unless-stopped
Environment variables
Logs show a username/password issue. This is the command I am using to create the docker image.
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --env "xxx@gmail.com" --env "xxxxxxxxx" --name frndlytv-for-channels -p 8183:80 matthuisman/frndlytv-for-channels
That's incorrect. See Frndly TV for Channels
That was it! Thanks a ton!
Do yourself a favor and install Portainer
You can then use it to install any of these docker containers
Much easier than messing with command line docker