Frndly TV for Channels

Create a custom M3U source something like this

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="Cowboy Way-127279" channel-number="9061" tvg-chno="9061" tvc-guide-stationid="127279" tvg-id="COWBOYW" tvg-name="Cowboy Way-127279",Cowboy Way-127279

I assigned it channel 9061 and when played/recorded it uses the one from frndlyTV (ch 9050 on mine)
Using this example with stream.mpg?format=ts it needs to be Stream Format MPEG-TS

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could you advise the channel ids for these new channels?

If you view the playlist generated from the frndly_tv container ( find the channels in question and advise the channel-id

channel-id="frndly-55" ION
channel-id="frndly-56" ION Mystery
channel-id="frndly-57" Grit

thank you!
have now added. will start working next time the json file is generated (sometime in the next hour)


Thanks to @chDVRuser's suggestion with the custom M3U method, I have confirmed the Gracenote IDs from my previous post.

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And another one!


@matthuisman :pray:

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About time!


Oops, sorry, I didn't remember you had already mentioned the station ID for it. :slight_smile:

Indeed, I don't think we have the same definition of the word "soon" as Frndly TV. :laughing:

It was just recently announced.
Seven months ago!

Definition of soon being "in the very near future"

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I just set this up for the same time tonight and I'm only getting 6 channels.
Cowboy Way, Hallmark Movies Now, Curiosity Channel, and 3 x Dove Channels (none of which are why I would pay for this service. I'm most interested in MeTV)

I'm on a Mac running Docker. It took me a couple of shots to get it working because first had to remove the quotes around username and password. Then I typed my password in wrong. I did the stop and remove commands and then reentered it and it worked and I was able to add it to channels as a source.

Any idea why I'm only getting 6 channels?

You didn't use the double source method. Looks like you only are using source 2.

The double source method I mention in post #546 goes over how to properly get this setup in Channels using Custom Channels. This same sort of question is asked repeated in this thread. But nobody is expecting anyone to actually read through all 650 posts. And the OP 1st post only gives a link to instructions that really aren't too much help. Lol. Really wish the FndlyTV-For-Channels status page (at local_host:8183) with the source info would give real language instructions. It kind of barely gives the idea of instructions, but it definitely could be clearer and more friendly. Here they are again.

Thanks for the very detailed reply. Frankly this sentence would have probably got me sorted. It didn't make sense that there were 2 options and I thought it just meant choose one or the other. Searching "6 channels" in this thread didn't find this tip.

This is an amazing add on for Channels, but the instructions are pretty challenging. If you use the quotes for username and password on a Mac it doesn't seem to work and that's repeated in the thread many times. Wonder why they don't just add that to the instructions. Same with explaining you MUST put both of these entries into Channels settings. It totally didn't make sense to me that you would do that, and it still doesn't make sense that you end up with all the channels and guide data together.

This forum continues to be one of the best parts of Channels, along with the great developers and community of builders. I've not got it working and can do my 7 day evaluation. Thanks!!!!

It is also stated briefly way way back, but you can assign a starting channel number value by adding "&start_chno=xxxxx" to the source URLs (where xxxx is a starting number.) I believe that was mentioned back on post #89 when the include/exclude parameters were introduced. Mine happen to be 5000 for source 1 and 5500 for source 2. Then I combine them into one beautiful Frndly channel collection.


Curiosity Channel (Stream)
frndly-16 = 110951

Cowboy Way
frndly-53 = 127279

See Frndly TV for Channels - #635 by chDVRuser

Is it 5 hours ahead or is there an issue on their side where TZ offset was done poorly.
Can't tell you how many times I've had time issues where a Jr Admin just changed the time on a server instead of setting the TZ.

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"Curiosity Channel (Stream)
frndly-16 = 110951"

Does EPG match on this?
We had an id of 120084 originally but it didnt match

@matthuisman did you also see Frndly TV for Channels - #655 by mjitkop ? :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, it's 5 hours ahead (for everybody, no matter the time zone).
Check them out for accuracy before asking matthuisman to implement a station id

He already added it

"54": {
  "gracenote": 81275,
  "slug": "movies_"