Frndly TV for Channels

Don't see why, unless @warrentc3 has a reason.

stationId's 89923, 112568 and 123651 all have the same exact program listings for the next 16 days

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ok. ill leave as-is on 112568 for now

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I think the Heartland on frndly should be reverted back to XML guide data... that's a different Heartland than 78584, which is a country music channel.

Not sure what's airing on that channel (Heartland) as I never watched or recorded it.
If it's episodes of a show named Heartland (2007) which has 16 Seasons, there are a couple stationId's with listings.
I don't know if they're correct for what's airing though.

"stationId": "121952","callSign": "XAZHRT","name": "Heartland","type": "Streaming"
"stationId": "124629","callSign": "XTBHRT","name": "Heartland","type": "Streaming"

Looks like it is episodes of Heartland (2007) airing on frndlyTV, but the stationId listings above don't align with what's airing.

@matthuisman I agree with @warrentc3 that it should be put back to the XMLTV listings from frndlyTV, at least until someone finds an accurate stationId for the channel.
slug heartland


Thanks for this… i don’t have gracenote dev access to peruse. I will do some painstaking validation over the weekend of the guide data and follow up next week.

Neither do I

To find possible stationId's by name or call sign

Then setup the potential stationId's in a custom M3U source, adding as many lines as there are stationId's to check

At that point I run a curl/jq script to list what's on each channel from the custom M3U source and compare them.

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done yesterday. heartland no longer uses gracenote

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Thanks Matt, noticed this morning when the M3U's refreshed,

BabyFirst TV should be 50338. That guide data aligns with the guide data present on the frndly site. Callsign of BABY1
119335 does not.


have updated babyfirst to 50338. itll be on the next generated json


For about a week, I'm not able to tune any Frndly sources that I try.

I get the following:
Could not fetch playlist: (Timeout) messages, timeout awaiting response headers.

I've removed the docker completely and started fresh with the latest. Channels sees them when I add the source, but I'm not able to watch them.

Any ideas? playlists are there, and I see all available channels and listings within Channels DVR, but no video starts on any channel. I even get a black screen like it's just about to connect, but nothing.

You would need to check the logs on the docker container

Starting yesterday, I'm no longer able to tune to DECADES on Frndly TV. I can tune to every other Frndly TV channel I've tried. Anyone else having this issue or is there something I can do to get it working again?

This is what I see on Watch Family-Friendly TV Live and On Demand | FRNDLY TV

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It's now one of the channels that has no EPG. It was renamed.

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Hi there,
The channel is working. However, the main source in channels is trying to fetch am m3u8 that doesn't exist.
You have to enable both the main and secondary sources in channels.
Hopefully, things will get straightened out.

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It's probably one of these stationId's
122694 (callSign CATCHCD)
91415 (callSign CATCHYC)

If someone can check the program listings and let @matthuisman know what the correct stationId is, he can fix the guide.

Do you mean compare the listings of Catchy Comedy on Frndly TV with that of Decades in the Channels guide? From what I can tell the schedule looks the same in both, but I'm not sure how to identify the stationID on Frndly TV.

I noticed that my HDHR Quatro already shows "Catchy" where it used to show "Decades", so is that where I could find the StationID? (I'm away from home and can't check it right now)

If that's the case, then the network name just changed from Decades to Catchy Comedy and the stationId is still the same as it was for Decades (122694).

In that case @matthuisman just needs to map frndly-51 Catchy Comedy to stationId 122694
"51": {
"gracenote": 122694,
"slug": "catchy_comedy"