Hulu Live TVE authentication is failing

Here's a screenshot of a typical captcha. I then realized one could use the zoom function of the browser to expand the window but found that the cursor position does not map to the correct screen location, seems to be offset by some small amount so you can't select the correct picture. This occurs even before trying to zoom the browser window, and the behavior is consistent with both Safari and Chrome on OSX Tried restarting the browsers but no change. This problem did not occur with my production Channels machine so I was able to complete the captchas.

Hmm, that screen is after the failure. But during the captcha interactive part it's supposed to make the window bigger. I'll see if we can increase the size more

When I successfully completed the multiple captchas on the production server, I did not notice any change in the size of the window, but there was a 3 to 4 second delay between clicking the picture and when it would update to show selected.

Okay I've updated the size of the captcha window in the latest pre-release build.


The new window size seems adequate for me. I'm still having issues with the cursor position not mapping correctly, however. Running OSX 10.15.7, Safari 14.0.2, or Chrome 87.0.4280.88 both exhibit same behavior. Hopefully it's just something with this machine. For now I'd prefer to leave the production machine as is and not remove/reinstall TVE Hulu just to test.

Please submit diagnostics and I will check it out.

Thank you. It worked. Hell of a work with reCAPTCHA.


I just submitted logs from test machine after trying again to verify captcha which failed as the cursor position wasn't accurate. Also just removed and reinstalled TVE on production machine which worked correctly (cursor positions matched in window). So something with the configuration of the test machine causing cursor not to track correctly when in captcha window.

Thanks for the diagnostics. This issue should be fixed in the next pre-release.

Where do we download the solution to this issue?

Next to the Check For Update button, click the down arrow and select Pre-Release

Thank you!
I was able to install the Beta version. Trying to get the recaptcha to work. It keeps taking too long for the window to open up and the login is already denied before having a chance to fill out the captcha.
I'll keep trying...

Please submit diagnostics

I tried using Chrome, FireFox, and Microsoft Edge browsers just to make sure it wasn't a browser issue. Still no luck.

I submitted my diagnostics, (f1c4791f-cebc-4004-94b7-3f36a93a984a)

Make sure the browser window stays in focus and you're not switching to a different tab or anything. After 15s of the spinner it will say "Please complete the captcha" and then you have 45s to click and start the captcha process.

I have been keeping the login in focus and only using a single browser as I tried them out.
This time I just tried closing all windows and then I even placed my browser in full screen using F11 to make sure it kept focus and still having the same issues.
It takes a long time for it to bring up the failed login window. It shows the captcha in front of the failed login screen, but I can't click the captcha at all. It seems to only be an image.

So you see a spinner for a long time and then the next thing you see is the image with "Cable Provider Authentication Failed" above it?

Please try the new build. It should be more reliable now.

not working on my MacBook pro
uploaded pre-release as recommended
there is still no captcha
enlarge what ??
very frustrating

Please click Submit Diagnostics. What version number is shown on your DVR?