Yeah tmdb doesn't have the consistency of ttdb for tv - but there are few as good
@tmm1 Thank you guys for always striving to make Channels better. My biggest frustration with TV is having to use Plex. I am a UI/UX guy and Plex is so lame. Can't wait till you'll open this up for feature requests. You guys actually care and listen and I can't wait to see what this becomes.
I've imported a folder from Plex and everything for the most part imported except at least one cover that I have embedded artwork in is showing different artwork maybe from Gracenote. I edit out commercials, add cover art using MetaZ for the Mac. I don't know if this is a known issue or not.
Another library I tried to import with movies come up with no info or cover artwork and just says 1969 or something. Does the sw read the embedded metadata? Does local file meta data take priority over grace note?
Thanks again for bringing us TVE and innovating the TV space. It's refreshing to have innovation somewhere.
This is amazing. While designing....if you are aware of the annoying problem with kids shows on Plex (which to be fair is somewhat related to how TVDB handles things) and solve it, I would love you forever.
As in:
This is awesome, so excited about this.
I'd like to give some feedback on my scan results, is there a way to download the complete log files from the web ui? Or do I need to get them from the NAS?
Embedded metadata is not used. Only the file names and directories are used for matching.
If embedded metadata is important to you, I suggest you post to RESEARCH: Media Library Organization with some details on how your files are organized and examples of what metadata you have embedded and where.
Thanks I will give it a try.
I know you already got a partial answer on this, but another set of reasons are as follows:
- It's part of a library, which may or may not be high quality recordings to be kept vs lower quality stream captures.
- Further subdivided into genre libraries (animation, horror, XMas, etc)
- Or divided by ratings with access privileges (PG/PG-13 vs R)
Many many other reasons, like maybe someone wants to rewatch all those old A-Team reruns? (I'm not judging

This is amazing. While designing....if you are aware of the annoying problem with kids shows on Plex (which to be fair is somewhat related to how TVDB handles things) and solve it, I would love you forever.
As in:
My personal solution for that was to split the shows and name them as individual units, which is... annoying. Much easier to just have some double naming scheme, like [episode x name] :: [episode y name].mkv and use a delimiter, such as " :: " (sans quotes) which isn't likely to show up anywhere else.
We really do need a Movie in Progress section as everytime I want to pick up where I left of a Movie I have to go search for it and now with the imports it makes it that much more difficult.
New views are of course coming.
Has the captions bug been fixed? Do I need to reload? If you are in the middle of some big changes like with TMDB I might just wait for that version. I only installed it on my DVR and not my wife's. We do not go back and watch a lot of movies. Once we watch them we are generally done for a bit so not a big rush. I am also interested in the TV Show's when ready if it was pretty fool proof at matching and keeping track for watch/unwatched. I do not use much but I have a few under PLEX. Very interested to see what you come up with.
Is imdb even an option for scraping with ChDVR?
I would think using gracenote, imdb, tmdb and falling back if the first or second has no hits would be the way to go.
I personally use tMM (Java/Swing) for scraping/tagging my Movies including video/audio specs from the file and like that it creates an .nfo with everything I need to make the metadata portable as the nfo file is just a simple xml file sitting next to the movie file. Not to mention it's also a powerful directory/file renamer and can download artwork/subs/trailers, and it's free and multi-platform.
I'm using a QNAP for Channels DVR, but most of my ripped content is on another QNAP. I can't find any way using built-in functionality to mount the remote folder in the QNAP to where Channels DVR sees it. I tried their app "Connect to Cloud Drive" which also supports SMB/CIFS, which works but mounts it in /mnt/rf/nd/0/LONG_HEX_VALUE and Channels only looks in /share.
I use 2x Synology NAS and they have a "Mount Remote Folder" feature which I believe creates a share for Mount. Something like that. Then I can access that from Channels for adding Movies. It has worked well. Maybe QNAP has something similar. Mine was setup in the GUI Web Interface.
Is this feature live yet? I see it as an option in my server settings..I can see the movies I've imported in the server side on my computer, but not on my Nvidia Shield...
Hypothetically speaking, let's say someone checked the box to enable this, then decided a minute later to uncheck the box after realizing what it was about to do to the recordings directory. Is there a way to reverse it, and clear the recording list of these file references (without deleting the files)?
Not sure what you mean since there's no check box.. Do you mean you clicked the plus icon, then hit the trash icon next to the path you added while it was still scanning in files?
If you press plus again and add the same directory, wait for the scan to finish, then hit trash it will clean out everything.

Not sure what you mean since there's no check box.. Do you mean you clicked the plus icon, then hit the trash icon next to the path you added while it was still scanning in files?
Yep, plus sign, sorry, I was going from memory. Maybe I'll just re-add and see how it goes ...
Yeah I tried QNAP's equivalent feature, but you can't specify where it mounts the folder. It mounts it in /mnt and Channels looks in /share. I can probably hack it together but I was hoping it use a supported QNAP mounting feature to get it to work.